Mig welder tip in the pump :oops:
Thanks mate think it'll be sorted :)
Funny that both of you expect her indoors to check your pockets!!
Can't say I'm much different but I do try to make sure they are empty before I chuck anything in the linen box.
In my case more interested in not losing an important piece of paper.
I have also found some weird stuff in washing machines. Bra underires have a bad habit of flipping them up.
Funny that both of you expect her indoors to check your pockets!!
Can't say I'm much different but I do try to make sure they are empty before I chuck anything in the linen box.
In my case more interested in not losing an important piece of paper.
I have also found some weird stuff in washing machines. Bra underires have a bad habit of flipping them up.

Ours isnt working either so misses called the insurance, I know whats wrong with it as im missing some m6 nuts n bolts
that were in my troosers so they be jammed in the drainage system of it.
How much are the baskets worth, you bought some amber solar dint ya 🤣🤣
I do love the extent of your nosiness!!😍😍😍
I just had a quick look to see if I could find the "Customer receipt" Success!
So if you really wanna know, £97.70 including £4.00 delivery. And the most expensive item on the list was 4 litres of semi-skimmed goats milk @£9:00.
And no, bearing in mind W's allergies we really aren't over-foody types. Next most expensive? Regina bog roll at £ 6.85. So shedloads of stuff that cost a coupla quid each.
And the bot was one bot of cider @ £2.50 for W.
Amazing how fast it adds up.
So no, no amber nectar, I have quite a few cans of Doombar in already!;)
I do love the extent of your nosiness!!😍😍😍
I just had a quick look to see if I could find the "Customer receipt" Success!
So if you really wanna know, £97.70 including £4.00 delivery. And the most expensive item on the list was 4 litres of semi-skimmed goats milk @£9:00.
And no, bearing in mind W's allergies we really aren't over-foody types. Next most expensive? Regina bog roll at £ 6.85. So shedloads of stuff that cost a coupla quid each.
And the bot was one bot of cider @ £2.50 for W.
Amazing how fast it adds up.
So no, no amber nectar, I have quite a few cans of Doombar in already!;)

9 quid for 4lts of milk I can get you a goat for a fiver 🤣 🤣

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