They stay open very late do they 7pm :rolleyes: Oh an therses a duck stuck behind the fence...........
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I doubt if it's a bird. It's just more Leicester litter. The picture was taken around 5.00. It's a 24 hour petrol station near me, but I don't buy anything from them as it's a little dear. Generally speaking Sainsbury's is the best value for fuel round here, despite their groceries being rather expensive.
Did ye aye 🤣 🤣
The mag is the Spectator. which I have to admit never having read before as I thought it would be about as exciting as the Ferret Breeders Gazette, but when you are bored stiff waiting for the other half to re-emerge from a tweetment room in an ospicle.... you read flipping anything.
But it in fact tells some interesting and funny stories and the article I liked the most was one describing why the yoof of today are the way they are in most succint and articulate terms, while explaining why their mentle elf is flipped up by "social meeja".

We all KNOW it is but this thing puts it into very sensible focus, and suggests things all parents should do to stop their offspring committing suicide as a result of what can go on. (Parently girls is much more likely to do themselves in nowadays than before down to this. )
Serious stuff.

Plus an article about a website where wimmins who have started dating a bloke via tinternet can ask if he is OK or not. Kinda like a Tripadvisor for relationships.
Course there ain't one called
But it tells the story of a journo who got orf wiv a burd, promised her a weekend in Paris, then called it off only to go wiv a Frog burd, (date suddenly fell through the floor, she was prolly from there anyway :rolleyes: )so there it was all this behaviour on tinternet.
He said it worked out OK as said Brit bird hadn't exaggerated and he was having a grate time nobin said Mamselle. But all the same inneresting.
I can think of at least one on here who it'd be fun to look for on the site. Only fing is you have to be a burd to sign up. (He used his sis's account.)
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Down to my tee shirt today nearly busted out amber solar :p
And what has Amber Solar done to deserve being busted out? Or is that a remark about what she looks like inna Tshirt!
Oops wrong fred!

(Ambre solaire, might as well rub yourself wiv cheap cooking oil!!!)
and here we find Amber Solar

Burds, one of em is a Fox!!! You couldn't make it up!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣
Only just noticed the editing that went on! Duuhhhh!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You'd better tell me cos I haven't seen it since I was about 17, do they still do reader's wifes?
And what one is it in? Was it Knave? or Fiesta? Do they even still exist or have they gone online?
Stroke mags ain't my forte, I''m pleased to say!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Dont know wasnt my thing need to ask my wee bro he had a collection & my mum used to clean his room 🤣 🤣

I was too busy tugging motors about 🤣🤣
When do you wear the string wife beater?

Kevvy after a few rums!!!🤣🤣🤣
Dont know wasnt my thing need to ask my wee bro he had a collection & my mum used to clean his room 🤣 🤣

I was too busy tugging motors about 🤣🤣
Didn't he shove them under the mattress??

Kid at school once asked me "Sir, what is a "mistress"?
So I told him, "Something between a Mister and a mattress".;););)

Got away wiv it too, the class had a good larf!!🤣
So while you were tugging motors, he was tugging soemthing else........🤣🤣🤣
I doubt if it's a bird. It's just more Leicester litter. The picture was taken around 5.00. It's a 24 hour petrol station near me, but I don't buy anything from them as it's a little dear. Generally speaking Sainsbury's is the best value for fuel round here, despite their groceries being rather expensive.
Count yourself lucky for having a choice!

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