To everyone that hasn't realised. It's Christmas day tomorrow that's 25th December, same day as last year.
Supermarkets will be shut tomorrow, but open again a few hours later.
You don't need to buy a month's supply of food that's going to go off in a week πŸ‘πŸŽ…
I’ve checked and my nearest shop is open tomorrow so the pressure is off for getting the wife a present πŸ‘πŸ€ͺ
Managed to get the card for W! A nice one too!
The tin mine was closed. Website said it was open, the sign on the gate said "No". Not until Jan 2, but as a footpath runs through it all we couldn't do was go underground or into the gift shop,or buy a ticket!!!! Result!!!
Drove to another one and took yet more pix. National Truss one this one. Still shut!!!
I had suggested to W that she ring up, but no signal unless you walk outside and about 15yards to a spot in the garden where there may be one. So that didn't happen!!!
Anyway no prob we still enjoyed the views and the bracing air.
Found a pub in a nearby village. Ordered drinks then I asked if I could have a pasty? To get a very old-fashioned look and "Just because we are in Cornwall doesn't mean we have pasties!"
So crisps it was!
TBH being Sunday it was the Sunday lunch menu or flip all!
On to a place with a beacon we could walk the dogs to.
Weather cold, very windy and a bit drizzly.
Bangers and mash later on, don't forget Santa 's booze and mince pies,oh and the carrot!!
Have a lovely evening peeps!!!☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️
First post hole has bin started. Plan is to put a concrete repair post next to the existing fence post. Need to dig out concrete on my side and the wooden post still int hole, so we can fillit all wiv post concrete around the repair post and hope it sticks to the existing concrete on the other side.. Family came round which stopped me gerrin on wivvit so only had an hour of light. Carried on by big torch but eye is wored oot. Me breaker is heavy.

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