Morning All. :D
Getting ready for blast off here at Clarke Towers. :)
My lad will be kipping on the sofa at his house tonight to be with his kids all day Xmas.
Then back here for Xmas night, and back there Boxing day while she's at work till she gets home.
Then back here.
We are kidnapping the MIL Xmas mid morning, bringing her here for a bite to eat and opening presents, then she goes home back into her routine where she feels more comfortable, and we will be on our own till the boy gets back.
The oddest Xmas ever I think. But at least I know my boy is safe and coping best he can.
I hope you all have the best Christmases ever. Take care of one another. :D
I'm doing something wrong in life.
Just seen someone i went to school with had bought a motorhome similar to this.. school bully.. didn't do particularly well in school..
Ne'er mind somebody loves you.. Probly. 😉

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