A very merry Christmas to you all . 🌲🌲🎁🎁
Tis the time to be jolly
Well, looks like another Christmas day is upon us. They're flicking past like Sundays at my age. Hope you're all having a good one.

Did anyone here order Christmas groceries from Asda? Xylia tells me that social media is heaving with people complaining about failures in their Asda deliveries, with products not available and useless substitutions. Seems to be specific to Asda this year.
Merry Christmas Morning All. :D
Too much Christmas cheer was imbibed last night, and my head is a trifle sore this morning. :)
Presents won't be opened till we get the MIL down here at mid-day ish. :)
We haven't got much this year because we can't think of any things we need. Except lathes and such, of course. :)
Have a great time. :D
... they are at it again.
Octopus Energy I mean. Overcharging me by Β£38 this month even though they were given the readings they asked for on the dates they asked for them. I wonder how good it is for a company with millions of customers if they overcharge each of them Β£38? Who benefits from this "clerical error"? What if is done on purpose, is it still a clerical error, or is it a fraud by misrepresentation? Interesting.
Hi Folks on this Joyous day :).
Merry Christmas greetings to all:vb-christmas-tree:.

Just got all the veg going and last trimmings started, so we will now sit down and work up an apatite. It is also the time to crack open the wine and sample it before we eat. Then probably open another when we actually eat:oops:.
Not sure if the bottles are getting smaller or our glasses have got biggerπŸ€”.

Have a good day everybody.

M & J
... they are at it again.
Octopus Energy I mean. Overcharging me by Β£38 this month even though they were given the readings they asked for on the dates they asked for them. I wonder how good it is for a company with millions of customers if they overcharge each of them Β£38? Who benefits from this "clerical error"? What if is done on purpose, is it still a clerical error, or is it a fraud by misrepresentation? Interesting.
Its not fraud. The money won't have gone missing. It will be in yer octopus account. Have yer checked the online balance. Also check the type of tarrif yer on. Sounds like fixed monthly amount as opposed to charge for what yer use. Later is normally more expensive.
Its not fraud. The money won't have gone missing. It will be in yer octopus account. Have yer checked the online balance. Also check the type of tarrif yer on. Sounds like fixed monthly amount as opposed to charge for what yer use. Later is normally more expensive.
Nope, it's a pay as you go direct debit. They and I have had the discussion about overcharging once already.
They acknowledge its a variable direct debit, but they keep overcharging compared to the published rate and the units actually used. If a large company keeps getting its sums wrong and I don't and they agree that I have the correct figures what else can you call it other than misrepresentation leading to a financial advantage for them?

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