So, today went to the Maritime Museum in Falmouth. Learned some stuff. Interesting place. Took some pics of some interesting boats. A couple of which will be of interest to peeps like @kevstar as he has put some poooorerful engines in some craft.
But used a proper camera so they won't be put up until I get back to my lappy.
Enjoy the last day afore crimble!!!😄😄😄😄😄

Do you have to scan the prints 🤣 🤣 Looking forward to the pics.
Find 6 peeps 1 cat & a dog.......

Do you have to scan the prints 🤣 🤣 Looking forward to the pics.
Ha! Ha!
No, they is on a digital camera but I have to save them to the lappy then use iPhoto Plus to improve the pic and size them properly.
I used to love darkroom work (ooh Matron!) But never did it with colour. That is much more complex, expensive and you cannot change stuff so radically as you can with black and white. One of the advantages of digital.😏

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