Oh dear. :(

WE have had a kerfuffle. :(
I was talking and she cut across me and I objected because I had not finished what I had to say (she does this a lot).
Now I am the bad person for pulling her up on this lack of manners.
I do think it is important to let the other person finish what they are saying before interjecting.
Maybe it would have helped if she had bothered to look at me when I was speaking? I don't know.
But now it has all gone very "frosty". :(
Hopefully, it will pass. Else I will have to put a pillow over her head and sit on it in the night maybe? ;)
Good to hear I am not the only one, I tend in the same situation to raise my voice and say "I'm Talking" a la Judge Rinder, then carry on till I finish. It works OK. So I am lucky.
I also have to look at her to see if she is listening. If not then I ask her to tell me what I have just said, usually she manages a bit, but not the last few phrases!
Sadly she is often staring at her phone, usually only at brekfus.
She doesn't like being told she is like a teenager!
But the pillow is OK where it is for the mo!
Hope it does pass for you.;)
Oh dear. :(

WE have had a kerfuffle. :(
I was talking and she cut across me and I objected because I had not finished what I had to say (she does this a lot).
Now I am the bad person for pulling her up on this lack of manners.
I do think it is important to let the other person finish what they are saying before interjecting.
Maybe it would have helped if she had bothered to look at me when I was speaking? I don't know.
But now it has all gone very "frosty". :(
Hopefully, it will pass. Else I will have to put a pillow over her head and sit on it in the night maybe? ;)

Must be somit in the water, whatever you say dont say no wonder gay guys are always happy they dont have to put
up with you lot 🤣 🤣

One is in the huff cause im off on a road trip with my wee bro at the weekend :rolleyes:
Yeeehaaaaaa road trip 🤣🤣:banana::banana:
Good to hear I am not the only one, I tend in the same situation to raise my voice and say "I'm Talking" a la Judge Rinder, then carry on till I finish. It works OK. So I am lucky.
I also have to look at her to see if she is listening. If not then I ask her to tell me what I have just said, usually she manages a bit, but not the last few phrases!
Sadly she is often staring at her phone, usually only at brekfus.
She doesn't like being told she is like a teenager!
But the pillow is OK where it is for the mo!
Hope it does pass for you.;)

Apparently I live in kev's wee world just floating aboot enjoying myself oh & I have a swinging brick for a heart. :oops: 🤣
I just agree which seams to make things worse 🤣🤣
Tried to open this and suddenly my internet was no longer connected?
got it open now.
Had heard of them. In the end nothing to be scared of if you drive properly.
They have similar ones in Frogland.
But it is deffo a skill driving within all speed limits especially the 20 mph ones.
Keeping in a lower gear helps.
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I took my Land Rover for an MOT today. I waited and waited - they usually call me in about an hour to say it's ready - and then eventually I got a call to say they couldn't give me an MOT because the passenger door wouldn't open. I was busy at work at the time so popped round a few minutes ago to pick it up. I tried the key in the offending door and it opened straight away. Fortunately they were able to retrieve the MOT examiner, who had left to attend another garage, and he duly opened and shut it a few times and printed me off another certificate. So I've come home all certificated for another year. I think it was just sticking because I don't use the passenger side much. I'll take the trim panel off and lubricate everything properly at my leisure. Xylia gets very frustrated with me around the house because she wrestles with domestic appliances, door locks and computers and then I come in and everything works perfectly. Whatever peculiar powers I've got seem to be beating garage mechanics as well now.

In other news, they gave me an advisory for a panhard rod bush. I last did the bushes 10 years ago, so it's lasted very well. They're Superpro brand, so I'll have the same again I think.
Next time tell them about the water trick to get the doors open. ;)
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