Morning All. :D
I am not liking my new life much. He's up before 6 and it wakes us up. :(
Having the sound of someone else moving around, tea-making, showering etc. is unavoidable but totally alien to us.
Yesterday we had all 4 grand-kids here after school kicking out time. Can you say pandemonium? Dreadful Din. :(
I was rather enjoying my quiet "golden years", now I am not sure they will ever return. Bugger! ;)
Anyway, enough moaning. You lot have a lovely day. :D
It's hard on you now but the relief and pleasure you are giving to all your house guests at this very, very difficult time is beyond measure. It really is the only stability they have got at this moment.
Todays job was to fit a new bog in dottirs house. Went ok until I dropped one small plastic washer - which escaped, never to be seen again. So couldn't finish the job today. On the plus side, I needed a double check valve and anticipated a trip to scroofix - but found a new one still in its packet, lurking in my plumbing spares box. Might get the job finished tomorrow. Or Saturday. Maybe.
Don't really want to like this, as doing that would have well peeped me off too. (but I did cos it's the roolz!)
Don't you have a suitable washer in your "washers box"?
Silly question.
There will be every washer under the sun in there except the exact one you want.
Sod's law! :rolleyes:
Yes, I asked him a day or so ago what his greatest emotion/feeling was; and the answer was "relief". :)
My god, you did that?
When helping our dottir through her separation and divorce I never thought to ask that. Nor did W.
Maybe cos she told us how she felt without needing prompting.
But good on you wearing your counselling hat.
Having two sons in the same situation must be awful, cannot imagine it.
So you are doing well. Stay strong mate!!:):):)
'Course I have. With over 50 years of spannering and diy, my nuts bolts washers and miscellaneous crap collection is second to none. But it was all 25 miles away at my place.
imagine like me you do loads of diy and spannering in two places over 600 miles apart!
I have to have two "nuts, bolts, washers and miscellaneous carp" collections.

AND I get twice the earache off W for the mess they make and the room they take up!!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Apparently I have a viral chest infection and they will wait and see if I need medical intervention.

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