Does your wife know how much time you spend next door even managed to get locked out 🤣 🤣

Just reminded me..........yesterday I had 2 lads striping out the medical room on the ship well one lad was meant to be doing it & the other was to do somit else anyhoo about an hour later a shout comes over the radio Kev kev call back.....aye go ahead......
errrr can you come down the ship we have locked ourselves in the room 🤣🤣🤣 Me.....what were you gay boys doing in the room together. 🤣 Everyone in the yard has a radio so now there is a bit of peewee taking 🤣🤣
LOL 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Our house-guest got to see his kids tonight. :)
They came here after school and stayed for dinner and a film and then went home.
Some of the heat and the hate is diminishing from the Mum, and she knows her kids want to see their Dad.
They were scheduled to be here tomorrow, but they (the kids) insisted on today.
We may have them tomorrow too. :eek:
This isn't the quiet retired life I had planned on, but hey stuff happens I guess.

Slight improvement in the battle scene then, that's good, if any of this can be called good.:):)
Looks as if the mind-poisoning isn't working all that well then. Good again.:)
Best of luck to all concenred.:)
Appreciated, but thats not the same tbh. I'd be in the same boat with that task. Luckily I now have a worktop elf with the outfit I'm working with.
I'd lend him out but he's an alcoholic workshy whiner.. :(
The wife and I have just worked out that despite me fitting and refittine several kitchens and utilities, this is only the second worktop I have ever fitted, the others being either in the sort of materials you would get a pro to fit, or in one case done by my ex s-i-l who of course did it very quickly as he is a pro and does bespoke kitches a real lot. AND the tiles were thin so we could , just, slide it down and into postion. (like for like refit, tiles not changed.)
funnily the other worktop I did was in a untility, and again between two walls and even then had to connect to a bit and go round a corner. But the walls' angles were better, there was no trunking involved, it was much smaller and I tiled it after! This beggar is 2 and a quarter meters long, and heavy as flip!

I'll get there!
Love to see a pic of your wallpapering when it's done!:)
...I have spent a good 60 minutes trying to unblock our en-suite bog. :(
Thankfully there has been no "cascade of carp" over the rim, but it has been pretty darned close. ;)
We left it to subside and it gradually returned to the static water-trap level.
I emptied this last bit with an old ladle and as I did so I noticed that the bog was backing up with nasties.
I have put 2 doses of caustic soda (8Ltrs of mix) down there, left it to "soak" for 30 minutes and then flushed with 4 x 10Ltr buckets of scalding hot water poured from a height. Seems OK now on a normal flush, but who knows?
It has been a live facility for about 26 years and has only had this issue periodically in the past 18 months.
I am dreading having to take 2 bathrooms apart to get at the soil-pipe. :(
Fingers crossed! :D
I'll get there!
Love to see a pic of your wallpapering when it's done!:)
Complete rewire first Stan.
Here's the fuse box 😝
I took my Land Rover for an MOT today. I waited and waited - they usually call me in about an hour to say it's ready - and then eventually I got a call to say they couldn't give me an MOT because the passenger door wouldn't open. I was busy at work at the time so popped round a few minutes ago to pick it up. I tried the key in the offending door and it opened straight away. Fortunately they were able to retrieve the MOT examiner, who had left to attend another garage, and he duly opened and shut it a few times and printed me off another certificate. So I've come home all certificated for another year. I think it was just sticking because I don't use the passenger side much. I'll take the trim panel off and lubricate everything properly at my leisure. Xylia gets very frustrated with me around the house because she wrestles with domestic appliances, door locks and computers and then I come in and everything works perfectly. Whatever peculiar powers I've got seem to be beating garage mechanics as well now.

In other news, they gave me an advisory for a panhard rod bush. I last did the bushes 10 years ago, so it's lasted very well. They're Superpro brand, so I'll have the same again I think.

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