Got a call from the Land Rover dealership today. They have got the parts in to do the urgent safety recall (after two urgent months) and they can now fit the little brackets which will stop the front wheels falling off (but don't stop the welds on the end of the axle housing from failing). So its in next week. Wimmins on the phone said they'll need it all day to give the engine time to cool down. Which I questioned - the axle don't get hot :rolleyes:. So she checked, came back on and said they'll need it for an hour, so will do it while I wait. Think I'll price up some new bushes for the radius arms, as I expect they'll melt them when the mechanic (sorry, highly trained technician) puts his gas axe on to free the bolts off.
Got a call from the Land Rover dealership today. They have got the parts in to do the urgent safety recall (after two urgent months) and they can now fit the little brackets which will stop the front wheels falling off (but don't stop the welds on the end of the axle housing from failing). So its in next week. Wimmins on the phone said they'll need it all day to give the engine time to cool down. Which I questioned - the axle don't get hot :rolleyes:. So she checked, came back on and said they'll need it for an hour, so will do it while I wait. Think I'll price up some new bushes for the radius arms, as I expect they'll melt them when the mechanic (sorry, highly trained technician) puts his gas axe on to free the bolts off.
Is there a recall to stop the doors falling orft?
(I actually like the ceramic fuse holders as you can rewire em which is lovely and cheap, Ours are little cylinder one-use fuses which you have to keep in stock and they aren't cheap. ) Obvs not as good as RCBs or whatever we call them this week.
Iffn it ain't broke etc. Though I'm not quite sure why earth and live appear to go in the same fuse..
Will leave that to someone wif a certifikit.
Back from Barff.
Got stuck in a 20 minute delay on the Warminster bypass. It turned out to be a totally pointless unmanned set of traffic lights on a roundabout that let about 8 vehicles through at a time.
So rang the restaurant to warn them we might be late.
I always try to leave 30 minutes in hand when we leave but W didn't manage to get out of the door before that reduced to 15 mins. (To be fair she does normally manage to be on time.)
Got to the restaurant only a little bit late.
Play was hilarious, "I'm sorry, Prime minister". Based on the series "yes Prime Minister" , as with the original series they managed to work in present circs so the ex prime minister becoming a Lord then Foreign Secretary was hinted at, causing riotous laughter.
Used iMaps and TomTom to work ourt a return route to avoid the jam, which worked very well.
So a good day in all. :):):)
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Oh dear. :(

WE have had a kerfuffle. :(
I was talking and she cut across me and I objected because I had not finished what I had to say (she does this a lot).
Now I am the bad person for pulling her up on this lack of manners.
I do think it is important to let the other person finish what they are saying before interjecting.
Maybe it would have helped if she had bothered to look at me when I was speaking? I don't know.
But now it has all gone very "frosty". :(
Hopefully, it will pass. Else I will have to put a pillow over her head and sit on it in the night maybe? ;)
Oh dear. :(

WE have had a kerfuffle. :(
I was talking and she cut across me and I objected because I had not finished what I had to say (she does this a lot).
Now I am the bad person for pulling her up on this lack of manners.
I do think it is important to let the other person finish what they are saying before interjecting.
Maybe it would have helped if she had bothered to look at me when I was speaking? I don't know.
But now it has all gone very "frosty". :(
Hopefully, it will pass. Else I will have to put a pillow over her head and sit on it in the night maybe? ;)
I've had that..
" Excuse me, i was speaking "
Basically, to paraphrase " eff off I'm your wife, so it's my right and btw kma".
Went downhill rapidly..
Is important that we treat our spouses respectfully, fetch the pillow.

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