Dull as dishwater but looks like it might cheer up
Sorting electrical problem on camper today hopefully, don't hold yer breath I'm useless with multimeter :D
Stay warm :)
I find my biggest problem with my multimeter is that it didn't come with clamps and the probes are quite fat, so holding them both onto anything at the same time can be quite a problem. It's a shame they don't come with a range of attachments. but then it only cost a tenner odd and does have a proble to measure temperature, not that I have ever used it!

Maybe more expensive ones come with needle-like probes and clamps!

So I feel for you!
Best of luck!:):):)
Afternoon folks :) .

I have been MIA here for a while as I have not felt in the mood for chit chat.
3 Mondays ago I had a great day out in the garden doing stuff. Tuesday I got up and could only hobble about like a 100yr old:mad:.
So its that dreaded sciatic nerve, I have been popping ibupe like smarties. But the last couple of days have been good and I hope to be up and running (well not actually running) but at least be able to get on with the work needed before the weather turns bad.
Still mostly sunny, still no rain, still no water:oops:

I find my biggest problem with my multimeter is that it didn't come with clamps and the probes are quite fat, so holding them both onto anything at the same time can be quite a problem. It's a shame they don't come with a range of attachments. but then it only cost a tenner odd and does have a proble to measure temperature, not that I have ever used it!

Maybe more expensive ones come with needle-like probes and clamps!

So I feel for you!
Best of luck!:):):)

You can buy the attachments you know;).

Afternoon folks :) .

I have been MIA here for a while as I have not felt in the mood for chit chat.
3 Mondays ago I had a great day out in the garden doing stuff. Tuesday I got up and could only hobble about like a 100yr old:mad:.
So its that dreaded sciatic nerve, I have been popping ibupe like smarties. But the last couple of days have been good and I hope to be up and running (well not actually running) but at least be able to get on with the work needed before the weather turns bad.
Still mostly sunny, still no rain, still no water:oops:

Sorry about the sciatica, :( do you not have a local manipulator of some type you can pay to crick you around?

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