My missus gave us a Japanese meal. Not often we do ready meals.
Actually quite OK!
Never done it afore.
Last Japanese meal we had was cooked for us by Mineka (real name!) the son's Japanese wife, and it was delish!
Not much cooking in serving cold rice and raw fish with pickled ginger though...

Just joking I used to own a Yakatori grill trailer that I took to events we did noodle soup along with the skewers the machines came from Japan...
Not much cooking in serving cold rice and raw fish with pickled ginger though...

Just joking I used to own a Yakatori grill trailer that I took to events we did noodle soup along with the skewers the machines came from Japan...
It was all hot.
Wife can't eat fish (allergy) so we had chicken skewers and hot rice, and I had some dumplings which were warm and tasty. She couldn't (gluten allergy) Made a nice change!
Mineka is apperently unsurprisingly hot, or is that cool, at sushi, so much in demand with the peeps around where they live in St Germain en Laye. She gives lessons!
It was all hot.
Wife can't eat fish (allergy) so we had chicken skewers and hot rice, and I had some dumplings which were warm and tasty. She couldn't (gluten allergy) Made a nice change!
Mineka is apperently unsurprisingly hot, or is that cool, at sushi, so much in demand with the peeps around where they live in St Germain en Laye. She gives lessons!
Chicken skewers are Yakatori and the dumplings are Gyoza...both delicious...
Morning All. :D
Raining here, got soaked getting her the paper. :)
I hope everyone is well. Got an SMS from the NHS about Flu & Covid jabs. No thanks!
Have a great day! :D
Raining 'ere, too.

I have also opted out of all their vac offers. In Feb. this year I was 'invited' to travel 72 miles to receive a covid jab which had been due 5 months earlier - in 2022, so I came to the conclusion that if they could wait that long before offering it to one in the aged and vulnerable category then it obviously wasn't that essential. As for the 144 mile round trip I was told it was a 'computer error'!! They must think we were all born yesterday.
Raining 'ere, too.

I have also opted out of all their vac offers. In Feb. this year I was 'invited' to travel 72 miles to receive a covid jab which had been due 5 months earlier - in 2022, so I came to the conclusion that if they could wait that long before offering it to one in the aged and vulnerable category then it obviously wasn't that essential. As for the 144 mile round trip I was told it was a 'computer error'!! They must think we were all born yesterday.
Since our gardener has Covid we expected all hospitals to be back on mask wearing etc. So I found a mask and washed it in preparation for yessdi's visit. Got there, nothing, it stayed in my pocket.
We are lucky enough to get our Covid and flu jabs locally.
We are both crossing our fingers that they'll be enough to stop us getting what our dottir has. I'm not that bothered about the flu one, but W has awful chronic sinus problems so flu on top of that wouldn't help one bit. Just such a shame how hit and miss the flu jabs are every year even though they are designed to help with more than one strain of flu.
Just hope you don't get either. 🫰🫰🫰
Did anyone watch the prog "Hunting the Catfish Crime Gang" , beeb 1 Toosdi, 10:40 pm.?

We recorded it and watched it yessdi.
How did we not know this existed???
They have hundreds of people living in slavery doing the scamming and grooming work for them, in huge slave camps.

If you don't want to see it on catch up,

We all knew it went on but we (W and me) thought it was just the odd sleezeball sitting in his dingy hovel pretending to be in love with wimmins having nicked someone's ID.

Not industrial scale crime like this. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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