Yes you did, you were too quick and I was cooking sprouts and carrots to go with my chilli :D
Any idea how my Transit knows that the door is open when there are no courtesy light switches ?:rolleyes:
but it could be a worn switch in the door latch Maybe.

Ask in the general Range Rover section I bet data would know he may pick it up.
or @kevstar may have an idea as he’s into trannys.

Yes you did, you were too quick and I was cooking sprouts and carrots to go with my chilli :D
Any idea how my Transit knows that the door is open when there are no courtesy light switches ?:rolleyes:
I've just checked cos your meter looked familair and yes I have the identical model! So I even have the instructions.
Where it says "appropriate range" or whatever, it means where you think the voltage or resistance will fall. So for a 12 volt batt you need to go to the one just above it, which is 20, etc. If you choose wrong it won't matter, but if in doubt go for a higher reading range then move down until the reading makes sense!.

Sorry, no idea about the Tranny's door and switching!
Afternoon folks :) .

I have been MIA here for a while as I have not felt in the mood for chit chat.
3 Mondays ago I had a great day out in the garden doing stuff. Tuesday I got up and could only hobble about like a 100yr old:mad:.
So its that dreaded sciatic nerve, I have been popping ibupe like smarties. But the last couple of days have been good and I hope to be up and running (well not actually running) but at least be able to get on with the work needed before the weather turns bad.
Still mostly sunny, still no rain, still no water:oops:

Yay for seeing you back
Gude evenin volks, vings bin ectic doan yer in Debn zo us boys bin nose to grindstone. SWMBO av gun orf ferra week zo us be takin advantage uv lighting wudeburner an openin a particularly satisfying bottle of Côtes du Rhône Hermitage, 2017. Dugs be zettled on SWMBO’s zofa zo orl be up tu scratch. Opin us frens be well and appy!
Gude evenin volks, vings bin ectic doan yer in Debn zo us boys bin nose to grindstone. SWMBO av gun orf ferra week zo us be takin advantage uv lighting wudeburner an openin a particularly satisfying bottle of Côtes du Rhône Hermitage, 2017. Dugs be zettled on SWMBO’s zofa zo orl be up tu scratch. Opin us frens be well and appy!


Be decent grog, tis true. ‘Twere a gift vrum a society I used tu chair and givvan elpin and tu. Arfa case, anorl!

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