Since our gardener has Covid we expected all hospitals to be back on mask wearing etc. So I found a mask and washed it in preparation for yessdi's visit. Got there, nothing, it stayed in my pocket.
We are lucky enough to get our Covid and flu jabs locally.
We are both crossing our fingers that they'll be enough to stop us getting what our dottir has. I'm not that bothered about the flu one, but W has awful chronic sinus problems so flu on top of that wouldn't help one bit. Just such a shame how hit and miss the flu jabs are every year even though they are designed to help with more than one strain of flu.
Just hope you don't get either. 🫰🫰🫰

I got my jabs about 2 miles from the house, waited a few mins then back out after 10 mins & back to work. :)
Just to mention....
Yessdi I was talking to our postie.
Hadn't seen him for ages.
He'd been off work for 7 weeks.
Got bit by a dog.
A border collie.
He showed me the scar on his ankle etc.
He has nerve damage etc etc.
Not funny, he's a decent bloke.
The mutt took him from behind.
He is using a solicitor having left the union over the recent strikes.
Just to mention....
Yessdi I was talking to our postie.
Hadn't seen him for ages.
He'd been off work for 7 weeks.
Got bit by a dog.
A border collie.
He showed me the scar on his ankle etc.
He has nerve damage etc etc.
Not funny, he's a decent bloke.
The mutt took him from behind.
He is using a solicitor having left the union over the recent strikes.

Yer dog bites are bloody sore, ive had a couple both times on the hands. First one was a boxer & the other a bull dog.
Dropped a car off to a customer & went to open the gate the boxer came from nowhere, got a hold of my hand so I
punched it & it fell over. I put the keys through the letter box & buggered off.

Just remembered.........we had a couple of builders repairing the chimney breast in the loft,
wee had a little puppy at the time & they brought a staffy which had had a go at the pup though the fence which I wasnt
happy about, I was on my knees playing with the pup & on the phone to my dad of the builders had left the gate
open & was out at his van when the staffy came belting in through the kitchen into the living room about to snaffle my puppy
snarling like a rabid fiend !!! aye right... I punched that thing so hard it spun in mid air & just lay on the floor, I thought id killed it but it got up & fell down again ok its deed this time 🤣 nope it got up & looked as if it had 10 pints staggering out the door when the chap came running in he asked what the noise was I said yer dog came running in & ran full force into the brick wall 🤣🤣 Oh no all concerned an stuff, it doesnt look to good mate better give it a drink but it was ok. It did come round to look at the pup through the fence but stayed well back. lol

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