Have thought about that BUT I then discovered that it would not let the dogs out. :)
When we use ours, which I have to confess isn't that often, either the dogs wake me up, so I let them out and switch it on. The tea is made when I go back to bed, or the teasmade goes off, then I let the dogs out, etc etc. It's not right next to the bed so some padding around is called for anyway.

In our last house we fitted a dog flap, but one silly dog would only use it to go out. I think I've told the story of how funny it was trying to train her to use it the other way!
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When I got separated at 33 years old, I found the landscape had changed as if Krakatoa had suddenly rememerged from the sea.
Wimmins were either 10 years younger than me, or the same age but either nutters or Milfs. Or worse, MIWNLTFs!!
Luckily ended up with one with grown up kids. Who wasn't too much of a nutter.
Baggage certainly is an issue the second time around! ;)
In fairness better a Gilf than a Dilf
In fairness better a Gilf than a Dilf
When I met W her eldest dottir, who is only 13 years younger than me, (12 for one month!) was extremely tasty. So she was 22, which was the age of the first woman I went out with on splitting up with my ex. So all was not beyond the bounds of possibility. :eek:
(W is 8 years older than me, remember.;))
But W's mother??? Yuck, she was like a stick of Blackpool rock, she had "I am a total cow" written right the way through her.
Fair to middling. ;) Ta.
And you?
I'm really good dug up my washing line stake in the grass and moved it, went for a walk the wee cygnet has a new friend he's quite shy and young. The other two swans were waiting for their breakfast. The female that usually stays away and got right close. Then food shop and sorted some Xmas presents out. May have came home with a kilo of wool 🤣
Not when they self-ignite, they're not...causing significant environmental damage/pollution, have emergency services near refusing to put out the fire and letting the EV infernos put themselves out. Then, having to place the burnt out enviro-polluter into steel containers for a month or so for fear the battery chemicals self-ignite. Not all is well with the EV world and it's about time people are open and honest about this manufacturer/Govt/media hyped up market. Let alone the poverty stricken children used to open cast mine the rare earth metals needed to produce these overheating batteries.

Of real concern is the speed, the rapidity, of an EV battery fire...

Worrabput petrol tanks igniting. Thems go up in flames quickly. At least wiv petrol yer can use it to make petrol bombs.
It very much is, please inform me!
Just the fact that we picked one up from an auction house as it hadn't sold (so for 20 sovs plus commission, a nice old skool piece all working once I changed the light bulbs and we had a bit of a chat about how to deal with the milk issue.
Lot's of peeps thought they were very quaint and 1970s-ish. And therefore told me I was a bit out of fashion, which isn't news!
So nothing really.
Morning all.
Has rained a bit here. Still a little blowy.
Groceries just been delivered and put away. Pics of a rotten lettuce taken and sent off for a refund. :rolleyes:
Musculoskeletal Doc yessdi actooly plays trhe guitar so is very sympathetic towards my hand problems. I am being sent for further x-rays and she is talking about injections and stuff to relieve the arthuritis. Much more positive an outcome than I expected. :)

Every day being a school day I am now reading up on what stuff is called and what it does on tractors as we need to get a small one for our Frog place to keep the undergrowth etc down.:rolleyes:
I know 10 tenths of naff all about tractors and their tools so this is a steep learning curve.

If we don't keep it down the town hall might just send a team in to cut it "for us" then send us a whacking great bill. :mad:
The area is too big and the weeds grow too high and thick for our normal machine to be able to cope.
So Stan will have to add "Agricultural bush mechanic" to his portfolio. :rolleyes:

I am so ignorant about all this stuff. :( Fortunately our son in law uses this sort of stuff daily so he will be a big help. Shame he lives in Worcestershire!

Anyone got a Kubota they don't want? @kevstar ?;) 🤣🤣🤣
At least I have a trailer now ~I can go and get one on.:)
Watch this

Opened me door a bit and me squirrel was more nervous but still came fer nuts. Then opened it 90 degrees and put a nut in line wiv how far me door sticks oot. Lot more tail waving and he gorrit first time. More confident after that wiv repeated goes. Then put nuts on ootside sill. He eventualy gorrum but the one in the door way was too risky ferrim. He ran oft instead.
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Opened me door a bit and me squirrel was more nervous but still came fer nuts. Then opened it 90 degrees and put a nut in line wiv how far me door sticks oot. Lot more tail waving and he goerit first time. More confident after that wiv repested goes. Then put nuts on ootside sill. He eventualy gorrum but the one in the door way was too risky ferrim. He ran oft instead.
You’ll get locked up or put on the register opening yer door with yer nuts out.

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