Better a Milf than a Gilf
When I got separated at 33 years old, I found the landscape had changed as if Krakatoa had suddenly rememerged from the sea.
Wimmins were either 10 years younger than me, or the same age but either nutters or Milfs. Or worse, MIWNLTFs!!
Luckily ended up with one with grown up kids. Who wasn't too much of a nutter.
Baggage certainly is an issue the second time around! ;)
I love the story about a yank who went into a place and ordered a "coffee without cream", after a long wait a harrassed waiter came up to him and said "I'm sorry we don't have any cream, can it be without milk?" 🤣
When I worked for Intercity we had to say with or with out milk not black or white coffee and that was over 30 years ago..the prick will be along soon lol...we had one regular who was either Indian or Pakistani who ordered brown

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