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Gave this a look.
Piece of pistachio to stick together, like a Meccano kit, much easier thana kit car.

But still more than I'd pay, even the smallest one as we simply don't have that sort of dosh. Although they look very fairly priced.

But the other big reason is that we couldn't take it to Frogland as they'd stick us with VAT even if we'd already paid it and other import duties. (This since Brexit.) We can only get away with importing a secondhand one that would look as if we had had it for years.
Did I read the price list wrong ?? im sure it said that was the flat packed price.
Maybe, can't remember,
But if you check this out, the smallest one is £7,800. as a Flat pack.
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Gave this a look.
Piece of pistachio to stick together, like a Meccano kit, much easier thana kit car.

But still more than I'd pay, even the smallest one as we simply don't have that sort of dosh. Although they look very fairly priced.

But the other big reason is that we couldn't take it to Frogland as they'd stick us with VAT even if we'd already paid it and other import duties. (This since Brexit.) We can only get away with importing a secondhand one that would look as if we had had it for years.

Maybe, can't remember,
But if you check this out, the smallest one is £7,800.

Where did you get that price the one in the vid is the 304 is it not, 8200 plus vat ??
Where did you get that price the one in the vid is the 304 is it not, 8200 plus vat ??
The one in the vid is not the smallest one. I'd be looking at the smallest one, only I wouldn't for the reasons stated.
As I said I wasn't paying too close attention.
I wonder if the Chinks sell in Frogland?
The price I found is from the Siromer site. In their "search" box I typed "flat pack price"
As it says at the top of the page

EDIT. Just clicked on this link and iot won't come up. But if you go on Siromer's site and search using "flat pack price" you'll see what I saw.
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And yep, I'm finding the site slow tonite too. :(

Spent a lot of time over the past few days trying to get our washing machine sorted out.
W washed a blanket thing that we use once in a while to protect the dog's sofa. (! yep, I know! It's just what we call it, although they do lie on it more than we do.)
Said blanket thing disintegrated to a large extent in the machine. No problem except that tons of fluff came off it and continues to block the filter. You will all know how long it takes to drain the flipping machine before you can take the filter out and empty it.
Not only was the filter always rammed full but the tunnel behind it was the same. Haemostats to the rescue there.
We keep trying to wash other stuff in it but it comes out covered in the fluff.
Total pain.
It isn't as if the blanket had never been washed before. :(:(:(
Eye has one of them wooden lattice fings on the fence panel by me gate. Both between me castle and ma hippi's garage. Said lattice is joined at the top only so sometimes yer hear donk donk donk. Eye firt it were the wind.

Eye hassa flood light on the side of me castle. Sometimes eye hear a scratching sound frew the wall. Tis close to where eye sleep. Always fort it were burds landing on me light, flapping their wings. Normally happens early morning when its day light.

Yesdi when eye were making feinds wiv me squirrel he would run oft to the end of me garage, stop, look back, the run oft. On one occasion he climbed up me lattice panel. Donk donk donk as he went up 2 squares then paused then the next 2, till he were at the top. Once there he sat on the top looking down at me frew me patio doors. After a minute of us looking at each other and not moving he run along the top to me castle and down the other side. Scratch sounds apoeared. He were going down me castle wall. So he's been visiting urly for over a year and eye din't know.
Morning's greetings from St Ives. Four and a half hour run down yesdi with no issues, then parked on a steepish hill to gets me bearings and the damned immobilizer did its 'nope' thing again! Gaaaaah!!
Luckily, was able to reverse back onto more level ground and it started.

Low tide at noon today so we can literally walk for miles on the sandy beaches. The dogs are gunna love it.

Have a lovely day folks.

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