The puff ball has puffed:)


The locals say the fruit, I think they are a damson are really good for the local Rakia:eek:.Not got into that yet, but a still can be brought in the local diy store, (yes you read that right a still) We have 5L of brandy to decant that has had our damsons in it, from last year.

Spring has Sprung :):)

An acquaintance, friend of best friend, hung himself last night. A blokey bloke, I'm not surprised he didn't tell anyone how he was feeling, and a very successful and wealthy solicitor my neck of the woods too. Don't be a blokey, manly, closed shop. Share your feelings. Nearly everyone who tried to end their life is glad they failed a few months later.
An acquaintance, friend of best friend, hung himself last night. A blokey bloke, I'm not surprised he didn't tell anyone how he was feeling, and a very successful and wealthy solicitor my neck of the woods too. Don't be a blokey, manly, closed shop. Share your feelings. Nearly everyone who tried to end their life is glad they failed a few months later.

Sorry to hear that ...

We are always here to listen ...
Yer is a gennulman an well eddicated. Yer do know yer crumpets.

Tis a strange thing that we agree on the Marmite an' cheese for a proper job on a crumpet ...

Tis also not that strange that thee thinks I is a gennulman, as I is not ... I is a fair maid ... also known as a Doris ...

But still I thank thee for the tap and nod ... I'll think of thee next i go East-the-Water ...
Has been a cracking day here with most of the day enjoying wall to wall sunshine, but it doesn't take long for the temperature to drop once the sun starts to set.
I bet it weren’t just dry crumpet:):eek:

Butter has to fill all the holes, then top with topping of your choice.

Peanut butter.
Oh the list goes on:)

Margerean only ont mine. Ah dun't do noner that there nu fangled stuff. It be the wurker devil un take erway taste of me crumpet.
Eye travelled ferran hour terday ter diagnose er problem ont car ter find oot me diagnostic weren't fully wurkin.
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