Tis also not that strange that thee thinks I is a gennulman, as I is not ... I is a fair maid ... also known as a Doris ....

You'd have thunk he knew his crumpets. ;)
I've been workin in some new flats over the last week, you shoulda heard the wind whistlin through their windows. Was like a haunted house.
@Hippo, do you know what they do to vegetable oil to make it buttery? Is one of the first frankenfoods. :p
You'd have thunk he knew his crumpets. ;)
I've been workin in some new flats over the last week, you shoulda heard the wind whistlin through their windows. Was like a haunted house.
@Hippo, do you know what they do to vegetable oil to make it buttery? Is one of the first frankenfoods. :p
No. Wos tha?
Un thar wers me finkin free radiculs wersa pop group.

Eye be lookin un it be flora light low fat spread. So eye be saved?
I hope you realise by eating that manufactured crap you're doing me and the farmers I collect from out of a job. Get some proper natural stuff inside yiu:D

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