Gud moanin me feind anne Hippy
Surfrydi agin anne truggers ont telly termorrer, anne twelsh walses'll getz beated ant Ingerlanderers'll wint tnationz arter stuffin tskots!
Avva guddun worreffer yerziz doinz
Five hours a day drivin is not my fing.
Specially with a days work stuck inna middle.
An am not drivin me tratter anorl. :(
I know some peeps do this all the time an me hats off to em, but I is very tyid. An Mrs dunt like it neever.
Least am back near the sea tonight. :D
Night good folks, gaffer tape for hats an toupees tomorrow:)
Gid moanin fiends
Tiz snowerein ear bert shud be reign latterly.
Trugger zont elli laters anne Hingerlanderers shud trasht skolandshirers bye sum 20 pints-r-so.
Worrevva yerziz doinz terdi, avva guddun
Our forecast is for 54 mph and it certainly is at least that, set to remain at this level until this evening when it should reduce to 40mph - I hope. When I took the dogs out this morn, I found it nearly impossible to open the door to get me and then them, out. Where I live be sheep country so I has to drive 12 miles to get to a local common where they can run free and then jump in the river to clean off.
When I took the dogs out this morn, I found it nearly impossible to open the door to get me and then them, out. Where I live be sheep country so I has to drive 12 miles to get to a local common where they can run free and then jump in the river to clean off.
Whoa, love the dogs in the pic; fine beasts and worthy fellow travellers in a Landy...:p
Our forecast is for 54 mph and it certainly is at least that, set to remain at this level until this evening when it should reduce to 40mph - I hope. When I took the dogs out this morn, I found it nearly impossible to open the door to get me and then them, out. Where I live be sheep country so I has to drive 12 miles to get to a local common where they can run free and then jump in the river to clean off.
Eye guess that be oner down sides er livin int remote light ouse

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