Are you not better having it done in France my be faster than the UK
Sadly it would be possible in France, if I had gone to the docs about it, say a week earlier, but now time delays have pushed it to beyond our stay here, but I am just about to begin phoning around to see if anyone can fit me in in time. If not, it'll be the UK, and private if I have to.
I'm very sorry to hear this. At least it's on the surface where they can get at it! Skin cancers are very treatable.

As dermatologists like Sam Shuster at Newcastle uni have pointed out, people are much more inclined to identify skin lesions as 'cancer' these days, because they're fearful of compensation claims later. So it's a very broad definition!
Hard to say if it is cancer in my case. It seemed to start with something like an insect bite that went wrong or my hitting a branch with my head when moving my big weedwhacker machine around under apple trees. But the guy who saw it took one look at it, asked no questions at all and just said "cancer". He's quite old and experienced I think. It does look a bit like some of the pics I have seen. Anyway I am not going to be arguing, I'll just get it done. It is pretty small, about 6 or 7 mm across.
Prizing the badge off & spraying the D2 works, I used wd40 the first time & it lasted 6 months then I
used wd40 water proof silicone spray it never done it again. The D1 problems are the springs in the latch which
corrode & become weak or snap. Theyre cost only a couple of quid for the full set, but takes a shift to do them
all, ive replaced a few sets over the years & became very good & doing them. :)
Cheers mate.
Last night the flipping thing opened no hassle, first pull on the handle!
I think damp is getting to it as I said before, but if the old "pull the oval off" works then I'll deffo do that. For some reason I thought that only worked on the D1.
Found 'em. :D

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