Just found out, spinocellular.
So not too clever. needs dealing with quickly-ish. so now begins the flipping phoning etc.
I'm very sorry to hear this. At least it's on the surface where they can get at it! Skin cancers are very treatable.

As dermatologists like Sam Shuster at Newcastle uni have pointed out, people are much more inclined to identify skin lesions as 'cancer' these days, because they're fearful of compensation claims later. So it's a very broad definition!
I am thinking the doc I saw prolly does cos he told me all I'd need would be a simple op and then no other treatment apart form a follow up after 4 months. So I don't think it can be that aggressive.
I've spent a lot of time ont tinetenet, as you'd expect but there are a bewildering number of pics of the different types and even the ones of the same type look widely different.

I'm hoping he or his minion will get back to me with which type it is so I can get in touch with docs in the UK and take it from there. I will not cut short our time over here unless it would be stupid not to. But that is the bit I can only work on once I know what type it is.

At least the doc gave me confidence that it was not likely to get serious, I think!

Cheers, mate!:)
Sorry to hear your news, Stan, I had a small patch removed from under my eye a few years ago so full sympathy. Wishing you swift treatment and a rapid recovery.
I'm thinking this. It wouldn't open from either handle, before. Then suddenly it started behaving again. I suspect damp is getting in and messing it up.
Did you ever cure it for good? D2 may be different from D1 cos on the D1 I took the "LR" oval off the outside handle, sprayed WD around to get it open then lubed it properly, never happened again and I didn't need to take the door card off.

Prizing the badge off & spraying the D2 works, I used wd40 the first time & it lasted 6 months then I
used wd40 water proof silicone spray it never done it again. The D1 problems are the springs in the latch which
corrode & become weak or snap. Theyre cost only a couple of quid for the full set, but takes a shift to do them
all, ive replaced a few sets over the years & became very good & doing them. :)
I am thinking the doc I saw prolly does cos he told me all I'd need would be a simple op and then no other treatment apart form a follow up after 4 months. So I don't think it can be that aggressive.
I've spent a lot of time ont tinetenet, as you'd expect but there are a bewildering number of pics of the different types and even the ones of the same type look widely different.

I'm hoping he or his minion will get back to me with which type it is so I can get in touch with docs in the UK and take it from there. I will not cut short our time over here unless it would be stupid not to. But that is the bit I can only work on once I know what type it is.

At least the doc gave me confidence that it was not likely to get serious, I think!

Cheers, mate!:)

No further treatment after the op thats superb news tbh, I get blood tests every 4 months now up to a year an every now an then
I go down the bad feeling path, pain here pain there & just wonder what if. Then I see somit for free & it all good. 🤣
Evening folks :)

Been a few hotuns here and 38 forecast for tomorrow, so that will be the square root of 0 getting done if that’s the case.
Another friend coming to visit on Thursday for a while he will stay with us while he opens his place and gets his transport sorted(well I will be roped in) don’t mind he’s a lovely guy, think he has to decide if he wants to sell up as he has not been here for a few years and he’s not getting any younger.

Oh as it’s a Landy forum I should report nothing broken and all running fine:vb-banana::vb-banana:

Evening folks :)

Been a few hotuns here and 38 forecast for tomorrow, so that will be the square root of 0 getting done if that’s the case.
Another friend coming to visit on Thursday for a while he will stay with us while he opens his place and gets his transport sorted(well I will be roped in) don’t mind he’s a lovely guy, think he has to decide if he wants to sell up as he has not been here for a few years and he’s not getting any younger.

Oh as it’s a Landy forum I should report nothing broken and all running fine:vb-banana::vb-banana:


How much near free is it 🤣 🤣

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