....well I was wrong.
The lump on me bonce IS cancer so I am waiting now for the doc's receptionist to get to me with what sort he thinks it is so I can decide what to do about it and when. The local orspicle can't operate before we go back at the end of September.

Since I avoid the sun most of the time, never let my head be in it without a hat, have never used a sunbed or sunbathed cos its boring, I am a tiny little bit iyguiogyiuoed off!!!!!

And all this happened before I had my brekker, an orl!😢
Sorry to hear this diagnosis, and I hope they can resolve it without too much trouble. :(
View attachment 293574
As most fellow Landyzone users aware. The current season for Cornish women round up, for sideburns shearing has been cancelled.
Due to expansion of the Lean-to Sheds on Sark Island cliffs, which stores Cornish women sideburns shearing bales.
Therefore Landyzone Asylum Cartoonist company, who hire Sark Island Shearers, wish to apologize for the inconvenience to Cornish women currently needing shearing.
At present the company director head cartoonist John Nicholas Oakes, Larry the Goose and Reg the Dog, have booked a flight to talk with Falkland Islands Penguins Shearing company Foxbay and Hillcove ltd.
They wish to apologize for the delay in getting the much needed product supplied to Cartoonist company brushes.
Kindest Regards

One needing some meds eye fink 🤣
....well I was wrong.
The lump on me bonce IS cancer so I am waiting now for the doc's receptionist to get to me with what sort he thinks it is so I can decide what to do about it and when. The local orspicle can't operate before we go back at the end of September.

Since I avoid the sun most of the time, never let my head be in it without a hat, have never used a sunbed or sunbathed cos its boring, I am a tiny little bit iyguiogyiuoed off!!!!!

And all this happened before I had my brekker, an orl!😢

Oh no sorry matey thats a cr@p card to be delt,:(:( do they know what type it is. Best wishes my friend. ;)
Probably have to remove the door panel & open it from the latch same as what I had to do of a few occasions.
I'm thinking this. It wouldn't open from either handle, before. Then suddenly it started behaving again. I suspect damp is getting in and messing it up.
Did you ever cure it for good? D2 may be different from D1 cos on the D1 I took the "LR" oval off the outside handle, sprayed WD around to get it open then lubed it properly, never happened again and I didn't need to take the door card off.
Oh no sorry matey thats a cr@p card to be delt,:(:( do they know what type it is. Best wishes my friend. ;)
I am thinking the doc I saw prolly does cos he told me all I'd need would be a simple op and then no other treatment apart form a follow up after 4 months. So I don't think it can be that aggressive.
I've spent a lot of time ont tinetenet, as you'd expect but there are a bewildering number of pics of the different types and even the ones of the same type look widely different.

I'm hoping he or his minion will get back to me with which type it is so I can get in touch with docs in the UK and take it from there. I will not cut short our time over here unless it would be stupid not to. But that is the bit I can only work on once I know what type it is.

At least the doc gave me confidence that it was not likely to get serious, I think!

Cheers, mate!:)
Probably have to remove the door panel & open it from the latch same as what I had to do of a few occasions.
A long, long time ago my Disco did that so I took it to my main dealer. Using a well-aimed squirt from a can of the LR equivalent to WD40 up where the numberplate was did the trick. They very generously (ha ha ) gave me the remains of an almost empty can "in case it did it again" - it never did and I've still got the can of pseudo WD40. :rolleyes:
hat for you @Stanleysteamer
I am thinking the doc I saw prolly does cos he told me all I'd need would be a simple op and then no other treatment apart form a follow up after 4 months. So I don't think it can be that aggressive.
I've spent a lot of time ont tinetenet, as you'd expect but there are a bewildering number of pics of the different types and even the ones of the same type look widely different.

I'm hoping he or his minion will get back to me with which type it is so I can get in touch with docs in the UK and take it from there. I will not cut short our time over here unless it would be stupid not to. But that is the bit I can only work on once I know what type it is.

At least the doc gave me confidence that it was not likely to get serious, I think!

Cheers, mate!:)
Lets hope its a simple removal and graft best of luck with it and it don't spread to your gray matter wouldn't be the same on here without you 😂😂😂😂😂

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