He has said that they are not able to operate before SS+W have to return to the uk - post Brexit regs.
The return to France is down to Post Brexit, true, the 6 month visa will be up right at the beginning of Oct, plus we have to get to the channel port and allow for breakdowns etc so we never leave it to the last minute. But I am still ringing round trying to find a surgeon, another place in Castres might be able to do it, but the bod is on holiday till Monday, so next I wll be looking at Toulouse and/or Albi.
Weather here has been poop so far all week. Yesterday some peeps were even wearing sweaters. It rained at the producers' market on Monday evening so the "commune" opened up a big hall just off the square and set up tables and benches in it. So we still had fun, but another couple didn't turn up, prolly cos they thought it'd be rained right off.
Hard to say if it is cancer in my case. It seemed to start with something like an insect bite that went wrong or my hitting a branch with my head when moving my big weedwhacker machine around under apple trees. But the guy who saw it took one look at it, asked no questions at all and just said "cancer". He's quite old and experienced I think. It does look a bit like some of the pics I have seen. Anyway I am not going to be arguing, I'll just get it done. It is pretty small, about 6 or 7 mm across.
That may be just a local anaesthesia job then. You'll probably be in and out in a couple of hours. It's an eyeball diagnosis rather than a histopathological investigation, I see!
Weather here has been poop so far all week. Yesterday some peeps were even wearing sweaters. It rained at the producers' market on Monday evening so the "commune" opened up a big hall just off the square and set up tables and benches in it. So we still had fun, but another couple didn't turn up, prolly cos they thought it'd be rained right off.
Yes, it was a bit chilly for July here in the UK yesterday. I actually got my jumper out and put it on. I don't think I've done that since 2007 - another cool, wet summer.
That may be just a local anaesthesia job then. You'll probably be in and out in a couple of hours. It's an eyeball diagnosis rather than a histopathological investigation, I see!
Yep, it is so small and on the forehead so it can't be very deep. Blokey said "you'll be in and out in an hour, local followed by some sort of an "H2" cut" that'll leave me with a couple of scars that'll look like lines where I already have them.
Rnag the UK oncology dept and spoke to a really nice wimmins who told me it'll be done by the Dermatology dept. She was very kind and reassuring, saying that I'd be seen to according to how urgent it was so 2 weeks minimum if really urgent. Which it obviously isn't. So I am a lot more happy about not having it before I get back. I'll just make an appt to see my GP for as soon as I get back, unless I get lucky over here.

If a sawn tree branch fell on a parked EV Evoque, would anyone care.

When one lane closes another shall open.

If a newbie ignores site rules of introduction, should they also be ignored too.
Hard to say if it is cancer in my case. It seemed to start with something like an insect bite that went wrong or my hitting a branch with my head when moving my big weedwhacker machine around under apple trees. But the guy who saw it took one look at it, asked no questions at all and just said "cancer". He's quite old and experienced I think. It does look a bit like some of the pics I have seen. Anyway I am not going to be arguing, I'll just get it done. It is pretty small, about 6 or 7 mm across.

When my dad went in earlier this year to get a lump removed from his forehead, the doc asked him have you had your prostrate
checked recently he said err no the doc then said ah ok will I book you in then.. yes ok just do that to which the doc said..........
thats you booked in get on the bed 🤣🤣🤣
It urts. Gottid some red roar patches inside. One bit either side of the hole at the end. One further up. Eye was putting savalon onnit but it weren't doing much. Armed wiv me endoscope eye has hadda look and put me salalon on the right bits.

Have you thought about the fact of sticking things up your snozzle and ratching around is gonna leave sore bits 🤔 :vb-groan2::vb-groan2:

Is savlon safe for internal use???


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