This has got me finking. Eye put me lenth of wood back after the rain had washed in me weed killer. Me hog must have walked up it to get to the patio area. They can climb steps. My steps ain't that big but me hogs about half to 3/4 adult size so it would be difficult ferrim. Steps are about 6 inch tall. There be two of them. Tis good to know he's been back again. Eye was worried eye may have scared him oft before.
Guid afternoon
Well stage 1 of return journey complete, bus journey took 6 hours, hampered by monsoon like rain. Another 5 hours till boarding.Arrive home around 09:00 tomorrow which equates to around 30 hours travel time. Never again......
Having my last coffee n carrot cake at Inchinion, er I mean Incheon airport
That's the biggest problem with electronic items with boards thay always need resetting. Are system is independent whith its own batteries and sola powered and not that expensive no wiring multiple opinions may be worth having a look ( Response ) do a search may be of help😟😟
ours too has a back up battery that is supposed to last days, handy in case the scrotes cut a wire to try and shut it up. Or in case of a power cut. But if the power cut blows the CB then we have to ask friends to go in and reset it/them. Solar might be OK except that we are not there in the winter so even with the back up batts...

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