I second that don't forget your place is vacant for part of the year you've got to get a security system so you can moneter your investment my system is very good 1 ounce of lead stops all unwanted entry 🔫🔫
Yep tother night I did wish I had a 12 bore, where I could let one barrel off over their heads and tell them the other barrel was on their way if they didn't scarper quick and not come back.

Still the hi-power LED torch seems to have frit them off.

We do have an alarm system that phones me in case of a break in. the only problem is that it gave false alarms when there was a strong wind, which there often is and then it stopped logging on i.e. the phone part of it just didn't seem to work no more.

It was handy being able to listen to what was going on and to be able to control it from my mobile. Shame really.

and yet again, up here so much stuff is vulnerable to power cuts and lightning. I could never use the landline and hub/box thing.
Yep tother night I did wish I had a 12 bore, where I could let one barrel off over their heads and tell them the other barrel was on their way if they didn't scarper quick and not come back.

Still the hi-power LED torch seems to have frit them off.

We do have an alarm system that phones me in case of a break in. the only problem is that it gave false alarms when there was a strong wind, which there often is and then it stopped logging on i.e. the phone part of it just didn't seem to work no more.

It was handy being able to listen to what was going on and to be able to control it from my mobile. Shame really.

and yet again, up here so much stuff is vulnerable to power cuts and lightning. I could never use the landline and hub/box thing.
That's the biggest problem with electronic items with boards thay always need resetting. Are system is independent whith its own batteries and sola powered and not that expensive no wiring multiple opinions may be worth having a look ( Response ) do a search may be of help😟😟
The dough turned into bread
Guid morn
In Scotland we have deep fried mars bars, in Korea a variation on the theme deep fried snickers bars, no I did not try.
Last full day and it's still chucking it Doon. My tan has about faded back to my usual milky white.
5.5 hour bus trip from Koje to Incheon Airport tomorrow morn and then the torcherous 13.5 hour flight to Skipol.
Having my last coffee n yummy carrot cake with a last meal of fried chicken n beer tonigh.

Inchinnan air port is just round the corner from you 🤣🤣🤣

I'm about to go and check what's what. They may be back.
I didn't touch anything as didn't want to contaminate the scene. And I knew they'd do nothing in daylight.
Also they must have seen the beam of my torch going everywhere.
Whatever I see, if they are not there, I can pull the door of the "hangar" closed, but not locked and yes I could put a chain and padlock on the gate, but they haven't built any fencing up to it so any burglar could simply walk round it. They'd park up on the stadium car park which is just feet away anyway. It honestly looks as if they had left in a hurry, the neebs I mean as their lock was locked to the one gate. I wondered if one of them had fallen ill or summat.

We'll see.
Seen these?
[]Amazon product

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