Oh yes, he's already told them all this, and he has a full log of all the messages. There are even nudy pics & vids taunting him about what he's missing. There's bizarre texts and messages with pics late at night/early hours and he is going to screen shot them all and hand it in as a log to the police.
Only liking this cos it's the roolz, but this is all very good grist to the mill.
It can't go in her favour all this in a divorce or family court.
Yes, that's what occurred to me. Maybe it was hunters, seeing as nothing's been stolen. In mid Wales rumour has it that the lights you see at night on the hills, together with 4X4s with heavily tinted windows, belong to people looking for badgers. They're taken alive where possible, and carted off to Walsall where they are fought against dogs and large sums of money change hands. Of course, I never listen to rumours, but I certainly don't ignore them either.

They break the badgers legs before they let the dogs in ... :mad:
..that WW3 has started.
My boy has finally gone on the offensive and had a chat with the police about the antics his ex-wife (is getting up to and his concerns for his children). Coppers have given him some homework to do and have suggested they will alert social services.
They aske him if he wanted to press charges for all the harassment at this time, but he said "I've warned her I will raise a formal charge if she ever does it again and so far she's stopped, but I don't think it will last, so let's wait & see.

We fully expect her to make allegations about inappropriate behaviour or abuse against him WRT her and the kids as she has already done this against her step-dad and Grand-dad in the past. I think she's a head-case.

She's off work for "mental-health" reasons ATM. Why she is allowed to have the kids I don't know. :(

O dear once social work is involved its a nightmare. Hopefully she will back off but somit tells me it will be calm for wee while
then she will go tonto. A lad near us went through the same then his house got raided took his phone computer ect ect
Then the rummers started. :rolleyes: All sorted now but he had a hell of a time. Best thing is for a nice wee boat trip & she falls in
bangs her heed on the propeller....I couldnt see her so I went forward-reverse-forward-reverse-forward & turned her into chum 🤣🤣
Oh yes, he's already told them all this, and he has a full log of all the messages. There are even nudy pics & vids taunting him about what he's missing. There's bizarre texts and messages with pics late at night/early hours and he is going to screen shot them all and hand it in as a log to the police.

Can he send them over so we can see what he's not missing 🤣🤣
??? Is it ok to use those new fangled plastic push fit connectors for central heating pipes ???
thank you
They use them in some new builds. Pressure test them to make sure they is ok. Am not convinced they is betterer than copper pipe. Cheaper. Copper dun't last foreverer but eye prefer it in castle hippo. Eye has one length of copper pipe that eye knows of. Runs under me dining room floor to the kitchen rad. Eye plan to remove it and drop a new pipe from upstairs into the kitchen instead.

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