Yep tother night I did wish I had a 12 bore, where I could let one barrel off over their heads and tell them the other barrel was on their way if they didn't scarper quick and not come back.

Still the hi-power LED torch seems to have frit them off.

We do have an alarm system that phones me in case of a break in. the only problem is that it gave false alarms when there was a strong wind, which there often is and then it stopped logging on i.e. the phone part of it just didn't seem to work no more.

It was handy being able to listen to what was going on and to be able to control it from my mobile. Shame really.

and yet again, up here so much stuff is vulnerable to power cuts and lightning. I could never use the landline and hub/box thing.

Ive got a load of flares, I set them off if I think peeps are snooping about 🤣 I the last time I used a couple is when some nob
was hunting with dogs & a lamp up the hill. The flares got rid of them. haha
Ive got a load of flares, I set them off if I think peeps are snooping about 🤣 I the last time I used a couple is when some nob
was hunting with dogs & a lamp up the hill. The flares got rid of them. haha
Yes, that's what occurred to me. Maybe it was hunters, seeing as nothing's been stolen. In mid Wales rumour has it that the lights you see at night on the hills, together with 4X4s with heavily tinted windows, belong to people looking for badgers. They're taken alive where possible, and carted off to Walsall where they are fought against dogs and large sums of money change hands. Of course, I never listen to rumours, but I certainly don't ignore them either.
Yes, that's what occurred to me. Maybe it was hunters, seeing as nothing's been stolen. In mid Wales rumour has it that the lights you see at night on the hills, together with 4X4s with heavily tinted windows, belong to people looking for badgers. They're taken alive where possible, and carted off to Walsall where they are fought against dogs and large sums of money change hands. Of course, I never listen to rumours, but I certainly don't ignore them either.
That's disgusting
Cocktail night was superb although I slept in until 10.55am :stars: Went of for a bite to eat at 3ish then pets at home for dog
food got a tenner off so was 40 quid for the bag. :) Came home done a bit to my nautical doors on the wee shed.
Bit of faffing about to make a frame & align them getting there just doing a wee bit when the rain goes off.
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Yes, that's what occurred to me. Maybe it was hunters, seeing as nothing's been stolen. In mid Wales rumour has it that the lights you see at night on the hills, together with 4X4s with heavily tinted windows, belong to people looking for badgers. They're taken alive where possible, and carted off to Walsall where they are fought against dogs and large sums of money change hands. Of course, I never listen to rumours, but I certainly don't ignore them either.

It does happen unfortunately. :mad:
Yes, sadly people do some very unpleasant things to animals. I remember seeing the magazine 'Le Chasseur Francais' back in the 1980s and being surprised at just how blatant some of the savagery was in the illustrations, compared to the more twee atmosphere in 'Country Life' here in the UK. French hunters don't mess about. The magazine has cleaned up its act lately but I don't suppose the people have.

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