Morning folks :)

Another hot 1, have done 2/3rds of the front grass now sitting on the front step’s cooling off before the last bit.
its cooler out front as it’s north facing and has tree cover so don’t feel as ott.
Think it’s gonna be down tools by 12 then a lazy afternoon by the pool with a couple of cold 1s, it’s Sunday after all :).

Really should get out in the garage, but than can wait:).
hope everybody is doing something they want/enjoy doing.

If we tried to do anything that made a noise before 8 o'clock we'd be breaking laws. Or between 12 and 2, or after 5.
Reasonable really but not good if you want to avoid the heat!

Just chillin with breakfast. Brioche and yesterday's home made white currant jelly. Never made if before, nice subtly and not too sweet flavour.

Must ring the neebs up if they are not in again to tell about their possible burglary. Not loking forward to doing that!:(
If we tried to do anything that made a noise before 8 o'clock we'd be breaking laws. Or between 12 and 2, or after 5.
Reasonable really but not good if you want to avoid the heat!

Don't know what the rules are here, don't matter to much as our nearest neighbor is probably 100yds away. They tend to do the same anyway.

But you don't have neighbors that would complain do you?

Hope your burglary friends weren't using it a a recon trip, did you shut your neebs workshop door and gate, and put a lock on for them if they are not due back soon, tell him so he know he has to come to you for the key.
Then if the sods do come back they will notice somebody has been keeping an eye on the place and think twice maybe.

Don't know what the rules are here, don't matter to much as our nearest neighbor is probably 100yds away. They tend to do the same anyway.

But you don't have neighbors that would complain do you?

Hope your burglary friends weren't using it a a recon trip, did you shut your neebs workshop door and gate, and put a lock on for them if they are not due back soon, tell him so he know he has to come to you for the key.
Then if the sods do come back they will notice somebody has been keeping an eye on the place and think twice maybe.

I'm about to go and check what's what. They may be back.
I didn't touch anything as didn't want to contaminate the scene. And I knew they'd do nothing in daylight.
Also they must have seen the beam of my torch going everywhere.
Whatever I see, if they are not there, I can pull the door of the "hangar" closed, but not locked and yes I could put a chain and padlock on the gate, but they haven't built any fencing up to it so any burglar could simply walk round it. They'd park up on the stadium car park which is just feet away anyway. It honestly looks as if they had left in a hurry, the neebs I mean as their lock was locked to the one gate. I wondered if one of them had fallen ill or summat.

We'll see.
Engine bay spider:

It's got very long legs - look at how it's reaching out for that heater hose. It must have clocked up a lot of miles.
Went to see the neebs, turns out that it looks as if the burglars didn't take anything, yes they had left it all open, and they had gone out on foot when I went round yesterday.
Nothing on their CCTV for the 0330 visit so maybe I frightened them off.
Still they know now. ;)

They also told us that yet another couple, on the same road, who have only been in residence a couple of years also got burgled, prolly by the same team, last Christmas, lost some jewellery.

And now there is a policeman living in a place not far away on the same road.

Wish there was some way of setting a trap for the scrotes.:mad::mad::mad:
Don't know what the rules are here, don't matter to much as our nearest neighbor is probably 100yds away. They tend to do the same anyway.

But you don't have neighbors that would complain do you?

Hope your burglary friends weren't using it a a recon trip, did you shut your neebs workshop door and gate, and put a lock on for them if they are not due back soon, tell him so he know he has to come to you for the key.
Then if the sods do come back they will notice somebody has been keeping an eye on the place and think twice maybe.

I second that don't forget your place is vacant for part of the year you've got to get a security system so you can moneter your investment my system is very good 1 ounce of lead stops all unwanted entry 🔫🔫

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