Still in the big smoke as I’m off to a wedding shortly. Next door neighbour’s. Why they have to come all the way out here is anyone’s guess
Went in the lift earlier (in the number one Inn) and a ‘lady’ I know from Jura was already in. She going to the same wedding. Anyway the door shuts and she says ‘hi, are you going down?’
I replied ‘ I’ll make the jokes thank you’ 🤣🤣🤣

She gave me a furious look. But we’re still friends 😇😇
You have such a way with words!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣
What is the reason behind not growing your own veg or keeping hen's I thought you had the space. Even only being here 6 months we do both and the veg come from both inside and outside the poly tunnel.
Different strokes for different folks and all that, and yes for the cost of a PT you could buy a lot of veg!
Also you wouldn't have to water it!
If it was up to me I'm not sure I'd bother but they do tast so much better fresh out of the ground or off the plant and onto your plate or in your pan!;)

TBH. If I/We had time to grow veg then the house would be finished first ;).
we mostly use the local shops for the veg etc, a lot of these shops get their veg from the locals in the village.
We are given eggs and veg on a regular basis (as they have too much) so the taste is not a flown across the world taste:).

So right now it is not gonna happen;).

You wont be saying that when you come out one morning & im floating about in yer pool on my crocodile lielow having a cold one 🤣 🤣

You wont be saying that when you come out one morning & im floating about in yer pool on my crocodile lielow having a cold one 🤣 🤣
What time are we suppose to meet there I've got the cans loaded may be a bit warm by the time I get there 🍺🍻
just the pointing to do one side finished took a long time ran out of beer so 2o km to get more

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