Pool has had its first clean, as the rainwater had brought the level up too high for the skimmer to do its job I set the multi position valve to "waste" and used that suction to "vacuum" up the dirt from the bottom rather than put it through the filter.
The water got very cloudy so I was guessing a lot of the time as I was moving the vacuum/brush head thing around.
The mended pole is working a treat.
When finished the level was still a tiny bit high so left it pumping out.
Went to look at where the waste goes to, not usually bothered but was aware it headed in the general direction of the new neighbours' land.
This only happens once a year so not really bovvad. Couldn't see it actually getting to their ditch. Though it came out of the place the pool builders left an open pipe at quite a rate!
I'd like to connect it to the "tout a l'égout" pipe but I have not much idea where that is or how deep it is buried.
Lot of work for a once a year event!
I could always do it when it's raining! ;)
Pool at 20 degs, and I'm leaving it pumping for 24 hours.
W's foot still swollen up so we ain't going down the town to see the Fanfares tonight either.
But she will be going to the barbie on the Stadium tomoz as I will be able to push her there on the Wchair.
If she had full feeling in her foot this sort of thing would be a bit less likely to happen.:rolleyes::(
So, about to have a late lunch, W on a zoom chat so we are both supping drinks, beer for me Pimms for her.
Have a lovely rest of Satdi folks!!
I usually use it for pattern drawing thank fully I can make out the markings.
I was thinking to myself, maybe you could rub a sharpie over the whole area, then quickly wipe over the surface with a flat thing, like a rag wrapped round a bit of wood, thus taking the ink off the surface but leaving it in the grooves of the markings.
Or maybe lightly sand it off or summat.
The problem with my tool is that there were no indentations that would take ink.
I was thinking to myself, maybe you could rub a sharpie over the whole area, then quickly wipe over the surface with a flat thing, like a rag wrapped round a bit of wood, thus taking the ink off the surface but leaving it in the grooves of the markings.
Or maybe lightly sand it off or summat.
The problem with my tool is that there were no indentations that would take ink.
i just need it for straight edges, i have my clear rulers for measuring so I wasn't upset. Besides it was only a rolson.
Wen us boys wuz int print us ad freakwent requests fer isopropanol vrum fellas wiv dubious habits ingestionwise. Twuz difficult tu eggsplane diffrence tween that an ethanol! (The going-blind-and-dying difference, us means).
I think understand what you are saying.

Learnt early et school the issues with ethanol, i know my writing on here isn't the best (probably grips Stan's sh*t) but I know what I should and shouldn't injest.
Pool has had its first clean, as the rainwater had brought the level up too high for the skimmer to do its job I set the multi position valve to "waste" and used that suction to "vacuum" up the dirt from the bottom rather than put it through the filter.
The water got very cloudy so I was guessing a lot of the time as I was moving the vacuum/brush head thing around.
The mended pole is working a treat.
When finished the level was still a tiny bit high so left it pumping out.
Went to look at where the waste goes to, not usually bothered but was aware it headed in the general direction of the new neighbours' land.
This only happens once a year so not really bovvad. Couldn't see it actually getting to their ditch. Though it came out of the place the pool builders left an open pipe at quite a rate!
I'd like to connect it to the "tout a l'égout" pipe but I have not much idea where that is or how deep it is buried.
Lot of work for a once a year event!
I could always do it when it's raining! ;)
Pool at 20 degs, and I'm leaving it pumping for 24 hours.
W's foot still swollen up so we ain't going down the town to see the Fanfares tonight either.
But she will be going to the barbie on the Stadium tomoz as I will be able to push her there on the Wchair.
If she had full feeling in her foot this sort of thing would be a bit less likely to happen.:rolleyes::(
So, about to have a late lunch, W on a zoom chat so we are both supping drinks, beer for me Pimms for her.
Have a lovely rest of Satdi folks!!

So is your bubble wrap on now? be interested how it goes, (32🫠)
Why not water your ground with the waste water? Get an IBC, and,and,and yeah we know how this goes, more work so forget I even mentioned it🤔.

So is your bubble wrap on now? be interested how it goes, (32🫠)
Why not water your ground with the waste water? Get an IBC, and,and,and yeah we know how this goes, more work so forget I even mentioned it🤔.

I'm waiting for the skimmer to have cleared the top surface before putting it on.
Just got back to the pooter after ffing around with it cos the pump wasn't giving full power, or it seemed so. Turned out I somehow managed to get an airlock or two in it.
It is going full bore now so I'll leave it and go back down in a bit to see how the top surface is.
I am a bit concerned as to whether it is better to put it on and run the pump or not, I'll do a bit of research on best way of using it.
As for the waste water, yes I could I suppose use it to water although it'll have both salt and chlorine in which I doubt would do the plants any good.
Our below ground reservoir that we use to water from is full and stays full as it picks up all the rainwater off all 3 roofs so I don't need extra. As you say, for once a year, not worth it.
I'll be keeping an eye on the temps. I do know that a sunny day with the cover off it gains half a deg, or a bit more if it is really blinking hot. So if it gains any more than that with the bubble wrap it'll be a result. Also it is supposed to help it retian heat over night which is a lot more obvious.
Anyway I'll post on here until people object!
;) ;) ;)

Edit, do i mean Chlorine? It's a salt pool so whatever it makes via the "producer" Cl2? Na OH summat?
Must be summat like that!

Anyway it is Apéro O'clock and the mutts need feeding, then us!!
Tis funny that ethanol is poisonous yet it is what we drink in our alcofrolic drinks!
Us du burlieve that ethanol be the onlee potable alcohol. Orl the rest (speshly methanol) will get yer in the end. ‘Twas that as did fer orl them Frenchie impreshunists wiv swillin back the absinthe oat uv volks bathtubs. Em diddun unnerstan aboat first feints a fractions anorl that shït, see?
I'm waiting for the skimmer to have cleared the top surface before putting it on.
Just got back to the pooter after ffing around with it cos the pump wasn't giving full power, or it seemed so. Turned out I somehow managed to get an airlock or two in it.
It is going full bore now so I'll leave it and go back down in a bit to see how the top surface is.
I am a bit concerned as to whether it is better to put it on and run the pump or not, I'll do a bit of research on best way of using it.
As for the waste water, yes I could I suppose use it to water although it'll have both salt and chlorine in which I doubt would do the plants any good.
Our below ground reservoir that we use to water from is full and stays full as it picks up all the rainwater off all 3 roofs so I don't need extra. As you say, for once a year, not worth it.
I'll be keeping an eye on the temps. I do know that a sunny day with the cover off it gains half a deg, or a bit more if it is really blinking hot. So if it gains any more than that with the bubble wrap it'll be a result. Also it is supposed to help it retian heat over night which is a lot more obvious.
Anyway I'll post on here until people object!
;) ;) ;)

Edit, do i mean Chlorine? It's a salt pool so whatever it makes via the "producer" Cl2? Na OH summat?
Must be summat like that!

Anyway it is Apéro O'clock and the mutts need feeding, then us!!

Ok I will do my best.

if the cover is on what gets on the top to need to skim off? I usually use the skimey net over the pool when the cover comes off each time we use.
You know the salt level is less than human tears so it isn’t gonna hurt the plants.

with the cover on overnight you will retain it better, with it on during a sunny day you will warm it quicker, win win. It’s a large bulk of heat once up there, I covered the pool late other night as weather was orribble and as the air temp was cool I could feel the heat from the water (temp diff I know but it’s there)

Yes chlorine but as it’s levels are low it wouldn’t hurt, and it’s chlorine gas which is slightly different to the tablets that give off chlorine, but the chlorinator runs a more constant level so you don’t get the ups n downs of levels or the smell ;)
That’s our understanding anyway.

Bottom line if you are not in it cover it:).

Just my thoughts of course.

Not satisfied with all the disappointments of earlier today I thought I would add to my grief by putting the 2WD unit into the rear axle.
The screw-in drive bushes from the 2 freewheels had been drilled through on the micro-mill so I had every expectation that using these "guide-holes" to drill through the silver steel half-shafts would not be problematic.
How wrong I was. :( , Even with an expensive precision 4mm carbide bit the first one went way "off-piste" and made its own exit route out the other side not in alignment with the through holes in the drive bush.
Then the fun started as the 4mm Stainless pin was having none of this malarkey and refused to go any further through than into and out from the silver steel shaft. No amount of swearing, pleading or cajoling could make it go all the way through. I gave up and then spent 20 minutes trying to pull the ruddy thing back out.

I then attacked the whole thing with the 4mm drill bit and went back & forth from both sides to ensure it was fully 4mm clear and free of detritus. I then managed to put a roll-pin through (I guess the spring nature was more tolerant of any misalignments).

The second one was better behaved, the hole did not wander; it was treated to full reaming out from both sides and a roll pin was hammered through here too.

How does it feel/sound/look?

The video below may give you some clues as to whether this is a flyer or not. I suspect that people who like peace & quiet on their rides might avoid me like the plague because 2 free-wheels on over-run when coasting are really noisy. The 2WD unit does what it is meant to do (drive the slowest wheel primarily, until both have the same speed/drag).

Not satisfied with all the disappointments of earlier today I thought I would add to my grief by putting the 2WD unit into the rear axle.
The screw-in drive bushes from the 2 freewheels had been drilled through on the micro-mill so I had every expectation that using these "guide-holes" to drill through the silver steel half-shafts would not be problematic.
How wrong I was. :( , Even with an expensive precision 4mm carbide bit the first one went way "off-piste" and made its own exit route out the other side not in alignment with the through holes in the drive bush.
Then the fun started as the 4mm Stainless pin was having none of this malarkey and refused to go any further through than into and out from the silver steel shaft. No amount of swearing, pleading or cajoling could make it go all the way through. I gave up and then spent 20 minutes trying to pull the ruddy thing back out.

I then attacked the whole thing with the 4mm drill bit and went back & forth from both sides to ensure it was fully 4mm clear and free of detritus. I then managed to put a roll-pin through (I guess the spring nature was more tolerant of any misalignments).

The second one was better behaved, the hole did not wander; it was treated to full reaming out from both sides and a roll pin was hammered through here too.

How does it feel/sound/look?

The video below may give you some clues as to whether this is a flyer or not. I suspect that people who like peace & quiet on their rides might avoid me like the plague because 2 free-wheels on over-run when coasting are really noisy. The 2WD unit does what it is meant to do (drive the slowest wheel primarily, until both have the same speed/drag).

Some good sound deading like the tractor boys use and an ally shied to cover up your top secret tech ;)

but it works as per design that’s got to be worth alot :) .


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