Such fun :)
Contest Map July 2023.png
Or the AH who peed him oft? Some peeps never left the playground..

It was actually a bit of a tongue in cheek comment and the guy took offence, for some reason. Which is/was a shame.
Even though most of us never meet in person sometimes comments aren't taken as they would be face to face with a little smile on the face.
Often where lots of arguments start as the real feelings/context is not always expressed well in type:).
It can be a minefield when talking to strangers, I could be a mad axeman for all you lot knowπŸ€”.

Well actually I am if you are a log for the fire:).

I plugged my diagnostic in & its looks like what I thought it was very common for these things to just give up :mad::mad:
Cheapest way is replace the ecu & keys. :confused:

Might get it fixed then sell it & buy somit else she likes the wee jimney 4x4s. So might start looking.
Us boys ad three of they buggers. Ultra reliable, ultra capable and ultra parkable! My last one never had a bulb replaced in 6 years. A bit juicy on fuel for its size but I went everywhere in mine in any conditions, frequently showing a clean tailpipe to much more expensive hardware.
It was actually a bit of a tongue in cheek comment and the guy took offence, for some reason. Which is/was a shame.
Even though most of us never meet in person sometimes comments aren't taken as they would be face to face with a little smile on the face.
Often where lots of arguments start as the real feelings/context is not always expressed well in type:).
It can be a minefield when talking to strangers, I could be a mad axeman for all you lot knowπŸ€”.

Well actually I am if you are a log for the fire:).

M warned us of this when you joined the community...... :)

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