Just about finished painting the boat 10mins from finishing time & one of the lads kicked a tin of bright orange paint off the
back of the boat bounced off the boarding ladder & covered the other lad skiving at the back of the boat on his phone 🤣 🤣

Looked like a carrot 🤣🤣
Really did ROTFL at that one.
Guess what his nickname is going to be from now on.
And pleese, pleese tell me it went all over his blasted phone too!!!!!!!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Good morning all.
Two nights running, funderstorms, we could see the sheet lighning over the Pyrenees last night, so not surprised eSpain caught it.
See the burd IS being done for causing death by DD. Quite right too. Unless she DID have a "medical incident".
so two nights the internet had to go off.
W did too much "walking" yesterday so we didn't go see the Fanfares last night.
She is now sitting on a stool ironing and I am off to clean the pool for the 1st time this season.
Warm but breezy, grate!!
Have a nice one folks!
:) :) :) :)
Really did ROTFL at that one.
Guess what his nickname is going to be from now on.
And pleese, pleese tell me it went all over his blasted phone too!!!!!!!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Yer it was running off it, 🤣 that'll teach him mines was in my trooser pocket but I was wearing a dust suit so I couldnt get
any pics before he ran to the toilets but had to get stripped outside as the cleaner wouldnt let him in 🤣🤣
Wanted to tinker today but everyone is coming round later for a wee dram & some food (takeaways) need to go & put
up gazzeboos & then go to town the misses is getting her hair done & the mini has thrown a wobbley think the ecu is
fecked :mad::mad: O well will see how it goes.

Back later have a nice day. :):)
Lancaster flight scrubbed due to weather. I did see the Spitfire take off (sorry, rubbish picture). Back home to find something else to do until we go out tonight :)
Sort of thing you only do once!
I have a right angle ruler, cheapo thing but has a handy fold out adjustable thingy with it and this happened to me. I am well fed up of putting bits of masking tape on so I can make marks on it. Never seen another, not that I have looked hard.
I usually use it for pattern drawing thank fully I can make out the markings.
I bored you all rigid with my tale of woe on my trike build problems yesterday. While some of you sympathised you said you couldn't imagine what it was all for.

Here is some explanation.

OK, today I spent several attempts at reducing the axle diameter by inserting the axle in the lathe and applying oil and emery cloth.
It was clear that the inner bearing of the pair was slightly misaligned and was causing the scoring on the axle.
I drifted it out and opened up the housing a little bit with a stone in a rotary tool and replaced it with a new bearing.

Some additional "fettling" with a large Stillson wrench on the backplate fixing tab made sure it was trying to sit square to the axle.
Span up quite well considering it has the axle and 3 bearings resisting it spinning. 🙃

This is how it looked when I decided to pack it in for the day.
Had to change the gas tank on the cooker today. I always do it by using up the one for the barbecue first then swopping back over so I always have a spare.
Pain in the rear digging it out from under the barbecue in the shed.
We don't use the barbie much as it's gas and frankly don't make food taste much better, if at all, than cooking it in other ways!
I am seriously thinking of building a permanent one with a kind of chimbley over it. We have plenty of fruit wood we could use to fire it. And the kits aren't expensive at all. Just a question of where to site it.

I know you can get stuff to chuck on gas barbies to make it taste as if it has been cooked over wood, in fact I did debate just throwing wood in the bottom of the gas barbie lighting it and seeing how it went. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I could drop some sort of a grid in there.

Don't think cheapo wood/briquette barbies are much different and I could even use the gas bits to light it! :eek::eek::eek::eek:
Had to change the gas tank on the cooker today. I always do it by using up the one for the barbecue first then swopping back over so I always have a spare.
Pain in the rear digging it out from under the barbecue in the shed.
We don't use the barbie much as it's gas and frankly don't make food taste much better, if at all, than cooking it in other ways!
I am seriously thinking of building a permanent one with a kind of chimbley over it. We have plenty of fruit wood we could use to fire it. And the kits aren't expensive at all. Just a question of where to site it.

I know you can get stuff to chuck on gas barbies to make it taste as if it has been cooked over wood, in fact I did debate just throwing wood in the bottom of the gas barbie lighting it and seeing how it went. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I could drop some sort of a grid in there.

Don't think cheapo wood/briquette barbies are much different and I could even use the gas bits to light it! :eek::eek::eek::eek:
You can get a stainless steel smoke-box to put wood-chips in.
I got this one last year.

Amazon product

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