Pest control were in wuk this week. Eye asked him what to do about me ants digging up me drive. He said contact killers rely on ants gerrin it on them and rubbing against other ants. Thats a slow process. He said yer can buy 'ant gel' from the likes of screwfix to put down. Its gel food fer ants. They like it. They will take it back to the queen ant to feed her. When it kills her the ant nest will die oft. Only problem is eye can't find ant gel in screwfix. Was finking yer can buy a tube ovvit to put a bit down by each nest.
Nippon all diy shops sell it need to put it in a small pot so ants can get it but rain and Sun can't 🐜🐜🐜🐜ops didn't go to the end of the thread
Went to Waddington and watched the Saudi arrows do a display
Because parents aren't doing their job, I thought those things were a parent's job? Then again I'm not a parent so I could be wrong.
Well, you'd think.
But then for a long time now teachers have been seen to be expected to be unpaid nannies, social workers, cops, babysitters, private tutors, etc etc. The list is endless.

Go on Nextdoor to see how often when a scrote nicks something, and his image, hoodied and scarfed, is on someone's flipping Ring door bell, the number of peeps who say, "Take it to the school to see if a teacher recognises him."

**** off!

Some flipping parent once rang me at home to have ago at me about summat, I asked her how she got my ex-directory number. "Oh a friend of mine gave it to me after you had to put it on a form cos you took her kid on an exchange visit".

So she got short shrift.

Not the worst thing that happened. Physical and verbal abuse from parents is par for the course sadly.
A primary schoolteacher has to spend time potty training and changing nappies ?????
what age are these kids?
Thats the bit that gets me, absolutely gobsmacked, parents of today I guess showing their abilities to be parents😢😢.

What gets me is that some of the kids are well beyond school entry age, so quite articulate. So you think they'd get the idea if told "I am not going to do that for you. If you can't hold it in until you get to the loo and drop it into that white hole then you'll be sticky and smelly for the rest of the day and no one will want to be anywhere near you. !"

but of course that wouldn't be politically correct.:mad::mad::mad:
Houston............. We have a problem! (No surprises there really). :)
I tried putting all the half-shafts, backplates and the 2WD unit in place as it will be in the final configuration on the "Delta Trike".
Serious "binding" issues and on one side the half shaft just would not insert (despite the use of a very large "persuader").
It looks like something is scoring a line along the half-shaft as it is slid/pushed/hammered inwards.
It only takes the tinies bit of misalignment to totally kybosh it all it seems. :(
I found that despite almost getting there when the hub-shell reached the shoes it stopped totally.
This is a concentricity failure I think, so I will have to find out what has introduced it.
It may be as simple as a shim/washer to take a twist out of a backplate (I hope).

It does call into question the viability of the design because I would hate to try and pull these half-shafts out without a whole mess of tools around to attempt it.
Doing it at the roadside would be a nightmare I think. :(

Oh well, a lofty enterprise is still a good learning opportunity even if the outcome is not as one had hoped. We shall see, tomorrow is another day. :D
Been flipping hot here.
would have liked to enjoy it, but fust off we had to go to Castres as the sales are on, Frogland only has them twice a year and each time it is blink and you'll miss it.
So orf we went.
To buy what you ask?
W has one of those figures that are more Frog than Brit, as does her dottir, i.e. big in the booby dept with a slim back. So she has a favourite shop. So she got one strapless number €90, :eek: (not in the sale) and twoother normal ones, €70 for both. Result!

(Jeez it's more expensive than buying tyres!!!)

Her dottir, same shape, has to go to Victoria's Secret and pays even more than that.:eek::eek::eek:
However she then treated me to a slap-up lunch which was great. Then we rushed back to go see the CPAM office re the reimbursement for monies paid in, but forgot that the "Fanfares" are on tonite, so lots of centre of town roads were closed.
Got there the wimmins was very nice so got it all sorted.
Drove back up the mountain only for me to realise, once we drove in the gates, that W hadn't signed any of the forms. We were not sure if she needed to sign with her maiden name or her married name (Frog paperwork, don't ask!) so I thre a woobly as that was the only thing I asked her to remind me about. As far as I as I'm concerned she didn't but she swears blind she did, twice. so major domestic occurred while I tried pointless ly to get them on the phone.

So, off back down the mountain we go. wimmins says, "Oh it isn't really important." Total opposite to what her compadre in Castres told us! Anyway, signing done and back up mountain to find yet another storm is forecast, like last nights, which wasn't. So the internet box will have to go off yet again!

So didn't get to clean the pool, and we are sweltering here. Grr!
Have a lovely evening, we are off yet again soon to watch and listen to the Fanfares.

Oh, and discovered that the Frog rioters DID get cloer than we thought, 7 cars and 10 big bins set alight in Castres, a few bins in Mazamet, our local place.
No sympathy at all round here for the scrotes!
Houston............. We have a problem! (No surprises there really). :)
I tried putting all the half-shafts, backplates and the 2WD unit in place as it will be in the final configuration on the "Delta Trike".
Serious "binding" issues and on one side the half shaft just would not insert (despite the use of a very large "persuader").
It looks like something is scoring a line along the half-shaft as it is slid/pushed/hammered inwards.
It only takes the tinies bit of misalignment to totally kybosh it all it seems. :(
I found that despite almost getting there when the hub-shell reached the shoes it stopped totally.
This is a concentricity failure I think, so I will have to find out what has introduced it.
It may be as simple as a shim/washer to take a twist out of a backplate (I hope).

It does call into question the viability of the design because I would hate to try and pull these half-shafts out without a whole mess of tools around to attempt it.
Doing it at the roadside would be a nightmare I think. :(

Oh well, a lofty enterprise is still a good learning opportunity even if the outcome is not as one had hoped. We shall see, tomorrow is another day. :D
Best of luck with it , mate. We all know how much work you are putting into this!:):):)

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