Been flipping hot here.
would have liked to enjoy it, but fust off we had to go to Castres as the sales are on, Frogland only has them twice a year and each time it is blink and you'll miss it.
So orf we went.
To buy what you ask?
W has one of those figures that are more Frog than Brit, as does her dottir, i.e. big in the booby dept with a slim back. So she has a favourite shop. So she got one strapless number €90,

(not in the sale) and twoother normal ones, €70 for both. Result!
(Jeez it's more expensive than buying tyres!!!)
Her dottir, same shape, has to go to Victoria's Secret and pays even more than that.

However she then treated me to a slap-up lunch which was great. Then we rushed back to go see the CPAM office re the reimbursement for monies paid in, but forgot that the "Fanfares" are on tonite, so lots of centre of town roads were closed.
Got there the wimmins was very nice so got it all sorted.
Drove back up the mountain only for me to realise, once we drove in the gates, that W hadn't signed any of the forms. We were not sure if she needed to sign with her maiden name or her married name (Frog paperwork, don't ask!) so I thre a woobly as that was the only thing I asked her to remind me about. As far as I as I'm concerned she didn't but she swears blind she did, twice. so major domestic occurred while I tried pointless ly to get them on the phone.
So, off back down the mountain we go. wimmins says, "Oh it isn't really important." Total opposite to what her compadre in Castres told us! Anyway, signing done and back up mountain to find yet another storm is forecast, like last nights, which wasn't. So the internet box will have to go off yet again!
So didn't get to clean the pool, and we are sweltering here. Grr!
Have a lovely evening, we are off yet again soon to watch and listen to the Fanfares.
Oh, and discovered that the Frog rioters DID get cloer than we thought, 7 cars and 10 big bins set alight in Castres, a few bins in Mazamet, our local place.
No sympathy at all round here for the scrotes!