Good morning
I'm off for a full English this morning, make a change from the porridge :)
Selling my garden table, no takers so far, cheap I thought at 40 quid


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Went and did some more shopping to stock them up a bit.
A bloke had his bonnet up as I was leaving the car park so couldn’t resist to chat:)
It’s a 1920s car and he has hot start problems so he was just cooling the engine while his missus was doing some shopping. First run of the year to top up with fresh fuel. He’s off to a show with it soon,Sotterly show.
Spoke with him for about 30mins:)


Edit no idea why my post is in 2 bits
Our horticulturalist dottir uses a technique for mare's tails, put on a rubber glove then a material one over it. Dip it into your weedkiler then rub the damp glove up and down the mare's tail you have a grip on. Time consuming but gets it in among them. ;)
Cos I was told by @Stanleysteamer
I was brave and pushed the bell ringer button, I figured if it all went tits up I would blame it on someone else :rolleyes:
So pushed it and walked in………….
No fires
No headless chickens running around
No flashing lights or sirens

So quite boring really guess it isn’t connected :vb-confused2:

Oh well never mind, I just have a n other beer:vb-banana: while I can get the real stuff:)

Awww! Shame!!!!
Running round like a nutbox today!. :rolleyes:
W had to make up the menus then the shopping list for the time between now and when our guests arrive as well as when they will be here. So this took a while and some wheeling of her around.
So oft to t'market etc. Loaded up a trolley pretty full at Leclerc.
Back to the putting away which seemed to take as long as doing the shopping.
Little break while W had a zoom call with dottir.
Then removing bedclothes putting some on to wash and then making our's up with a "throw" instead of a duvet.
It IS warmer here although wet. My skin is leaking.
Oft to feed the hens , collect eggs, water the poly tunnel then feed the dogs and us. Gammons steaks, yum yum!
W no longer frowin up. Sort of eating a bit more proper now.
We've lost (Well apparently "I") have lost the remote to the monitor/screen. Not a disaster but the sort of thing that upsets you with a capital F.
Time has been wasted on this and yet more will have to be spent.
Bet W dropped it into the WPB or her knitting bag!;)
Can't believe I have been up since 0730 and this is all I have done as I don't seem to have stopped. Oh I did have cheese and bread while on my ickle break.
Have a good evening folks!!:):):)
... Haircut booked for 12:20PM :)
£13 OAP rate (because.... a. I am a tightwad, b. I am an OAP). :)
I think I shall wash my hair in preparation so as to honour this momentous occasion.
My oap's cut was 6 sovs, at the start of the covid lockdowns I bought a re-chargeable hair clipper. Continued to use it ever since, every couple of months I shave me barnet down to the wood.
...that I am very likely to take herself away for a night of snoring passion in a posh hotel in Taunton and get my headlining swapped by the chap what does all that headliner swap-out down that way. A more expensive way to do the job (400Mile round trip, hotel + expenses as well as his fees) but it will get it done and quite frankly I don't fancy the job and its just 1 months Govt Pension amount.
Continued with me fascia repairs to Wimblowdriver Towers today. On the 5.5m length being investigated, the first half a metre had rotten fascia and soffit timber, where the monkeys who put the plastic over it missed off and end closure - left it open to the weather. Found a label inside the plastic dated 1998 so the timber has been rotting away for 25 years. The rest of the soffit timber is as good as the day it was built in 1961. 75% of the fascia timber is rotten in the top one inch - as the sarking felt under the tiles has disintegrated where it is supposed to go over the top of the fascia - this is an easy fix (and I've got a full roll of felt in stock). The rafter ends at the "rotten" end are in great condition, which bodes well for the rest of them. Repairs should be straight forward. Onwards and upwards---- :cool:
Continued with me fascia repairs to Wimblowdriver Towers today. On the 5.5m length being investigated, the first half a metre had rotten fascia and soffit timber, where the monkeys who put the plastic over it missed off and end closure - left it open to the weather. Found a label inside the plastic dated 1998 so the timber has been rotting away for 25 years. The rest of the soffit timber is as good as the day it was built in 1961. 75% of the fascia timber is rotten in the top one inch - as the sarking felt under the tiles has disintegrated where it is supposed to go over the top of the fascia - this is an easy fix (and I've got a full roll of felt in stock). The rafter ends at the "rotten" end are in great condition, which bodes well for the rest of them. Repairs should be straight forward. Onwards and upwards---- :cool:
Always pleasing when what looked like a rotten [ :) ] job turns out to be less daunting than expected.
...that I am very likely to take herself away for a night of snoring passion in a posh hotel in Taunton and get my headlining swapped by the chap what does all that headliner swap-out down that way. A more expensive way to do the job (400Mile round trip, hotel + expenses as well as his fees) but it will get it done and quite frankly I don't fancy the job and its just 1 months Govt Pension amount.
Do have a lovely time!!! :) :) :)

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