Just been outside for a coffin nail, noticed this not only the fancy brickwork but the doorbell.
I have been going through this door since I was 16 oops 18 and never noticed it.
And no I am not gonna push it in case they don’t know about it and if it’s still live:oops:

Gwarn! Push it! You'll not do any harm!!
You know you want to!!;););)

Our house in Bath had belonged to a vet, he did all his business down in the huge basement.
The door bell was a pull thing that dated back to when the house was built in 1815.
But by the door was a square of hardboard obvs covering something over. So, one day, being a norty kid, years after we moved in, I pried it up a bit and lo and behold there was a door bell push behind it. So pushed it.
A bell none of us knew about rang in the basement!
Made us all jump. the vet had sold the house to the people before us donkeys years ago!.

Bit like all the gas outlets in my 1928 house in pull. One in the coner of most rooms. I paered round them painted them etc. Never dared take the bung out of one. Asked a gas fitter mate of mine. We both agreed that we couldn't see how they were still connected as the house had long had GCH fitted. But even he wouldn't dare try one!

Maybe he was "gaslighting" me!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hey it’s a start for us petrol heads.
We know our future is not gonna cheap. But the sooner they start charging the EVs for tearing up roads the better. Cos then they don’t get cheap motoring.

They have put massive amounts of public access charging points in France, but they are mostly slow ones and very few of them are being used.
W knows more about this than I do, but apparently the govt set a target and has now "achieved it". To put decent ones in would cost millions more than what it has already cost which I think is a million euros for a set of 4 points. So they charge very slowly and it takes half an hour to get enough electric to travel 30 to 50 k. Rubbish innit?

(I think, I need to log on to "Connexion" to read it for meeself!)
Tbh I would rather keep all my cars & pay the premium for the fuel than have no option but to drive a EV.
Id miss the smell of old exhaust gases & petrol fumes ahhhhhh bisto :vb-lol:

Reminds me of my first car an old Austin mini which I kept in a lock up use to go round & start it up I wasnt allowed to
drive it cause I was still at school haha aye right dad I did wonder why he called me vroom 🤣
Mine was a black roofed, white bodied one, a "de luxe". I had not passed my test, so kept it parked up a side street near where I worked so mates of mine could give me practice. More than once they asked me to drop them off in the centre of toon then I had to drive it unaccompanied to where I worked!
It's beautiful here today. I am sat in the dark trying to stay cool 😎
You lot are all getting much better weather than we are. Now into 2nd day of the 4 predicted. It thundered most of the time from about 1 pm till I fell asleep at about midnight. And it has slung it down yet again.

W still in bed with sore tum, not wanting to eat, drink or even move. 😢 😢 😢
I'm still stiff as a board from yessdi's Chiro. But she has done me good , says I am progressing and should be OK without another visit in about a fortnight! :banana:So just after our guests will have left.:rolleyes:

Without thinking, lying on my back while she was working on my neck behind me, I said to her that, now that I couldn't see her, but could hear her, I realised she had a beautiful voice.
Could have kicked myself for being so non pc. Thankfully she took it well, and said "Thank you". Phew.
Wonder if a Brit one would have run around the room shouting "Me too!"
Anyway, this is no good I must put proper clothes on and walk to the post box in the village. About a mile there and back.
(Chiro tells me to walk more as it's good for me.)
Have a good one folks!:):):)
Mine was a black roofed, white bodied one, a "de luxe". I had not passed my test, so kept it parked up a side street near where I worked so mates of mine could give me practice. More than once they asked me to drop them off in the centre of toon then I had to drive it unaccompanied to where I worked!

Mine was black & went in for a re spray, it was meant to be gun metal grey but came back pillar box red :mad:
I was told it was cause thats the only paint he had 🤣 personally I think it was cause my old man liked red or
he was a tight ass. :rolleyes:
was a lovey job too :cool:
The world is not going badly because of the wickedness of the bad, but because of the apathy of the good

So when someone needs you for their problems, give them your hand or give them a word of encouragement
"All it takes for Evil to flourish is for good men to stand by and do nothing"
Can't remember who said it.
But it is all true.

Mind you, for apathy we can now read fear. As happens under autocratic regimes, with secret police etc.

Wondering what prompted this, Dips. You OK?
"All it takes for Evil to flourish is for good men to stand by and do nothing"
Can't remember who said it.
But it is all true.

Mind you, for apathy we can now read fear. As happens under autocratic regimes, with secret police etc.

Wondering what prompted this, Dips. You OK?

Yeah, into my second week off of work with infective sinusitis after the flu?, I sure it was flu any way, too much thinking time to be had, and I'm not well enough to be busy ... a bad combo ...
...that I have had my peepers examined and MOT'd. :D
My eyesight is worse that 2021 but not by much.
No need for a change in the scrip, but my epiretinal tear has opened a bit wider in one spot.
Same width just a bit deeper.
The cataracts are also slightly worse. So I'm still OK to drive etc. etc.

For PC work he suggested I buy some cheap readers at a 3+ lens.

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