Mornin all, Appi Fridi.
BP today was 139/80 & 131/84, which will make the doc happy. More bloods this morning to check the Ramipril isn't upsetting me kidneys.
Week oft after today, gonna pop into Stan's an make sure everything is drunk OK.
Have a nice day :cool:
I went to post a letter yesterday. As it was going to America I had to go up to the desk in the post office and have it weighed. The man behind the counter was hard at wok on his ears with cotton buds. He was shoving them in so hard that the shafts bent. That must have hurt quite a bit if the end of the bud was pressing against the eardrum. At any rate the earwax will be well tamped down so as to ensure maximum misunderstanding with the customers. It's a seriously weird post office. They open when they feel like it and will do bizarre things like leave their seat in the middle of serving you and go in the back and make a cup of tea. I used to think it was just me they did this to because they didn't like me, but then I noticed they did it to other customers too.
Continued with me fascia repairs to Wimblowdriver Towers today. On the 5.5m length being investigated, the first half a metre had rotten fascia and soffit timber, where the monkeys who put the plastic over it missed off and end closure - left it open to the weather. Found a label inside the plastic dated 1998 so the timber has been rotting away for 25 years. The rest of the soffit timber is as good as the day it was built in 1961. 75% of the fascia timber is rotten in the top one inch - as the sarking felt under the tiles has disintegrated where it is supposed to go over the top of the fascia - this is an easy fix (and I've got a full roll of felt in stock). The rafter ends at the "rotten" end are in great condition, which bodes well for the rest of them. Repairs should be straight forward. Onwards and upwards---- :cool:
Really pleased for you.
We felt enormous relief when ours turned out much the same. I suppose it means Fascias and soffits can to a certain extent be regarded as "sacrificial".
Hopefully with a few cunning manoeuvres you'll be able to reuse the sound timber and save a sov or two!??

"In this world, one thing counts, in the bank, large amounts, gotta save a soffit or two boys, gotta save a soffit or two!"
As Fagin's brother the roofer used to sing!
Yes, cheers, better than expected! I ditched the speech I had prepared and went with a more relaxed, informal approach :)
I had a colleague with a husband in the RAF. He always used to say "Speeches? Stand up, speak up, shut up!!"
Fink he was right!!
But talking to a roomful or a hallfull of peeps can be quite daunting the first time!
Well done mate!
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I went to post a letter yesterday. As it was going to America I had to go up to the desk in the post office and have it weighed. The man behind the counter was hard at wok on his ears with cotton buds. He was shoving them in so hard that the shafts bent. That must have hurt quite a bit if the end of the bud was pressing against the eardrum. At any rate the earwax will be well tamped down so as to ensure maximum misunderstanding with the customers. It's a seriously weird post office. They open when they feel like it and will do bizarre things like leave their seat in the middle of serving you and go in the back and make a cup of tea. I used to think it was just me they did this to because they didn't like me, but then I noticed they did it to other customers too.
How amusing, supposing he did the biz for you and you said, "I'm just popping out for a ciggie" and then did so before paying. You could come back in and say "I needed that, did you enjoy your tea?!";)
So it is stinking humid here. Took W about half an hour to sort out bedding and towels for our guests that are coming. She always seems so organised..... Of course I had to stand there, lean over her and pass her stuff out of the waerdrobe on the landing where she puts it. I will have to wheel her back up there with the laundry marker so she can go through it!

Later, much later!!!

On kitchen cleaning today. Don't mind the muckiness of it, tis the leaning over so far that will do my back no good.:(:(:(
We had gained funding through the university for an R&D project so I had to run through what we had done and how we spent the money :) there were around 100 people in the audience!
Nice one! :):):)
100 people is a nice manageable amount!
When we did whole school assemblies there were 1600 kids there. They don't pay attention very well!:rolleyes:
So were these uni peeps or students or a mixture?
And what was the best question they asked?
And have you now got a taste for it? (I used to love making an audience laugh!);)
Nice one! :):):)
100 people is a nice manageable amount!
When we did whole school assemblies there were 1600 kids there. They don't pay attention very well!:rolleyes:
So were these uni peeps or students or a mixture?
And what was the best question they asked?
And have you now got a taste for it? (I used to love making an audience laugh!);)
It was a mixture of people. There were few questions as I think I was a bit too technical for the audience. I was hoping to pique interest but I am no public speaker it seems! No, I wouldn't do it again, not my sort of thing :)
I dunno how he gets away with all this stuff. How come nobody has stood up and called him a lying crook to his face is beyond me. Self serving tangerine clown....:vb-splat:
I can't believe the number of people saying "It's happened, get over it, move on."
Try saying that to a judge once you have been convicted of murder.
Don't think it'll work somehow!
A completely different subject. I updated the control systems on a very old Thermatron to give it a new lease of life 👍

No, I is not a Marvel nerd, OK?

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