"All it takes for Evil to flourish is for good men to stand by and do nothing"
Can't remember who said it.
But it is all true.

Mind you, for apathy we can now read fear. As happens under autocratic regimes, with secret police etc.

Wondering what prompted this, Dips. You OK?
People not standing for what thay know is right eney thing for a easy life
What's right is right and what's wrong is wrong you see it every day moral degradation in social life rants over that's why we are up a mountain to get a way from it all 😠😠
Just back from Waddington, absolutely brilliant! Three C130's in formation at 225 feet :)

C130 and Stonehenge.jpg
Evening folks :) Well it has been a cracking day. Done some weeding and ordered some special weed killer that says wil sort out “mares tails. Not particularly cheap but it’s got some bad stuff in that your local diy store stuff don’t seem to have. And as it’s for a gravel area don’t matter if it kills everything. There should be plenty so they can save some for next year.
Went and did some more shopping to stock them up a bit.
A bloke had his bonnet up as I was leaving the car park so couldn’t resist to chat:)
It’s a 1920s car and he has hot start problems so he was just cooling the engine while his missus was doing some shopping. First run of the year to top up with fresh fuel. He’s off to a show with it soon,Sotterly show.
Spoke with him for about 30mins:)


Edit no idea why my post is in 2 bits


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On my walk home via the next pub.
All the birds are going nuts. Some idiot has a drone up which has set them all off.
Second time I have seen it. Wish I had a signal jammer or something.
Mummy goose was not happy shouting her beak off.
Zoom in chick in front of the sign post.



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Cos I was told by @Stanleysteamer
I was brave and pushed the bell ringer button, I figured if it all went tits up I would blame it on someone else :rolleyes:
So pushed it and walked in………….
No fires
No headless chickens running around
No flashing lights or sirens

So quite boring really guess it isn’t connected :vb-confused2:

Oh well never mind, I just have a n other beer:vb-banana: while I can get the real stuff:)


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