OMG, the poor darling. She needs to rebuild her constitution with a diet of Brussel-sprouts , brown-ale and boiled eggs.
We can send you a nose peg to wear while she is getting better, of course. ;)

Can't be much fun having to inject yourself every day, and getting a dodgy tummy as a result. :(

Get better Mrs. Steamer.
Cheers mate! She is stoping the injections as today would have been her last one and it was only a precautionary measure anyway.
She'd have the sprouts and boiled eggs in fact her go to food when ill is hardboiled eggs and bananas, not on the same plate!
I got a couple of chicks................
Just been outside for a coffin nail, noticed this not only the fancy brickwork but the doorbell.
I have been going through this door since I was 16 oops 18 and never noticed it.
And no I am not gonna push it in case they don’t know about it and if it’s still live:oops:



  • 04D9944F-8D89-4325-8728-7BEE0DCC8DDD.jpeg
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Hey it’s a start for us petrol heads.
We know our future is not gonna cheap. But the sooner they start charging the EVs for tearing up roads the better. Cos then they don’t get cheap motoring.


Tbh I would rather keep all my cars & pay the premium for the fuel than have no option but to drive a EV.
Id miss the smell of old exhaust gases & petrol fumes ahhhhhh bisto :vb-lol:

Reminds me of my first car an old Austin mini which I kept in a lock up use to go round & start it up I wasnt allowed to
drive it cause I was still at school haha aye right dad I did wonder why he called me vroom 🤣

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