Cool here atm suns oot expecting 26 degrees today.
Feel a tad sore today as I slipped down a set of stairs last night carrying a jump pack got 2 sore shoulders
a friction burn inside my arm & a sore left butt cheek. ffs hopefully I'll loosen up as the day goes.
Have a good un. :) :)
Today I have been investigating the extent of repairs required to the eaves fascias and soffits at the front of Wimblowdriver Towers. It has been over-clad with upvc stuff, over the original timber work which has some rot in it. Haven't yet uncovered the full extent, but I have learned what a screwdriver sounds like when it disappears down a drain pipe.
Best of luck with it.
Will you be doing it yourself?
We paid others to do it and they were brill, let me go up on the scaffold to check it out etc.
But it cost.........:eek:
BBQ is fired up just waiting on the coals. :p
Well I made a rissotto, a dish we both love, but once we got to bed she started throwing up, had a bad night and is still very badly.
She has to inject herself with anti-thrombosis stuff every night. One of the side effects is just this. She felt a bit 'ick the first time and dint want her dins, so we switched injection time to later.
(This purely cos of the bust ankle.)
I have to see the chiro this a.m. so she is staying in bed.
Problem is she threw up all her other pain medication and is now going cold turkey on it which has similar effects.
Can't flipping catch a bbreak at the mo.:rolleyes:
I am just a tad "miffed".
I made all the parts to allow the drum hub backplates to "float" and kept them safe & sound with each set kept together on an M12 bolt and nut.
I started putting all the parts onto the frame and rear axle assembly and at the last minute when inserting the final half-shaft it occurred to me that some lube on the shaft (never a bad idea to lube one's shaft) would be a good idea.

Much to my horror, as I reached to replace the spray lube applicator the axle's angle dipped below horizontal and all the parts slid off and floor-wards.

One of which has not been recovered and may never be found. It spoilt my day.

Anyway, here it all is with just a bit of junk inserted instead of the custom part.

Very interesting.
So sorry about your "little accident".
Do hope you take your place apart a bit and find the miassing bit.
Well done mate!:):)
Well I made a rissotto, a dish we both love, but once we got to bed she started throwing up, had a bad night and is still very badly.
She has to inject herself with anti-thrombosis stuff every night. One of the side effects is just this. She felt a bit 'ick the first time and dint want her dins, so we switched injection time to later.
(This purely cos of the bust ankle.)
I have to see the chiro this a.m. so she is staying in bed.
Problem is she threw up all her other pain medication and is now going cold turkey on it which has similar effects.
Can't flipping catch a bbreak at the mo.:rolleyes:
Feel for ya mate, we all get ti when everything is against us.

Things will come right in the end:).

Hope w feels better with a bit extra sleep.

Cool here atm suns oot expecting 26 degrees today.
Feel a tad sore today as I slipped down a set of stairs last night carrying a jump pack got 2 sore shoulders
a friction burn inside my arm & a sore left butt cheek. ffs hopefully I'll loosen up as the day goes.
Have a good un. :) :)
I once slipped on some concrete steps while carrying a bag of cement. Came right down on the my upper pelvis/ lower back.
Spectacular bruising and the blood leaked down into my bum which turned an odd shade of yellow over time. Dottir was only five at the time, she thought it was hilarious, "banana bum".:vb-lol:
Too true. I hate the plastic stuff. But it was installed before I acquired the right to look after Wimblowdriver Towers. I will most likely rip it all off, re-timber and paint to my 10-year spec. Only problem is finding timber of good enough quality these days. They don't make it like what they used to. In my opinion properly cared for timber will last for hundreds of years. (There's plenty of it in old churches and cathedrals etc). But it can't be cared for if its stuck behind plastic which probably hasn't been properly sealed from the weather. In my case, the fitters missed a capping off the end of a run because the access was difficult. And weather / rot has got in. Additional - I hear on the grape vine that Kev has come into a couple of ship loads of timber, :p
We flelt like you did, re replacing the rotten wood with fresh timber.
Then saw the price..:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
The house was built in 1983 or so. timber framed and built by the Swedes as the designs for all the houses on the estate are Swedish. To our amazement not one of the ends of the trusses was rotten.
So we went with plastic. Their design to make sure no rainwater can get behind it and that it is all properly aired is very good so we went with it. If it rots later on we'll both be past caring anyway!
You is lucky.
They were about to change over Mum & Dad to digital and broadband (no idea if it’s fibre to the house)
But somebody has messed up badly they pulled the plug on the copper and didn’t book the guy to connect the fibre:mad:.
My SIL was on the phone to them and was promised 4-5 days, all this after Dad had told them not to touch or do it as Mum was in hospital, and didn’t want to risk losing the landline. But oh know they thought better and went ahead, so he was left with no phone (his mobile skills are minimal).

I got on to them on Friday (2hrs on the phone) “Oh don’t worry sir it will be on by the 16th” from my response he figured that wasn’t good enough. The next line was “he will get compensation £9.xx a day” well you can imagine what I said. Although I kept it clean but assertive. Finally got them to send a mobile internet access box free of charge which did arrive sat so they now at least have internet. Hopefully my ranting has the fix date to tomorrow.

So all I can say is they don’t give peeps enough info and what could go wrong. They don’t allow for old folks that are not tied to there mobile.

The last person I spoke with kept saying “it was a parrell connection “ well it obviously wasn’t. They couldn’t even backtrack to keep the copper connection so safe to say this is not a happy house with Buzzby right now.

Rant over:)

Oh dear!
Sounds like they were very lucky that you were over in the UK.
But what a total pain.
Fell for you!
I once slipped on some concrete steps while carrying a bag of cement. Came right down on the my upper pelvis/ lower back.
Spectacular bruising and the blood leaked down into my bum which turned an odd shade of yellow over time. Dottir was only five at the time, she thought it was hilarious, "banana bum".:vb-lol:
It was missing a step while carrying a pile of books etc that did for W's back long before I met her. she didn't fall, just came down heavily on the next step.
The docs were so stoopid they couldn't see that the pain in her hip was referred pain from her back.
7, yes SEVEN, years later, she went to London where she was found to have 3 slipped discs.
These had worn the nerve away to the point where her left foot is paralysed.
She has had about 7 ops on her back and now has a tunsten cage in there. She takes tons of morhpine etc for the pain.

So yes, stairs and steps are bliddy dangerous places. :eek:

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