But fun!!!
It would have been easier to have had a combination surely?;););)
Weather here stinks.
Yessdi had a stinker of a thunderstorm so had to come off the internet. Ran out of logs as you know.
Just cut a load more up.
Bliddy chainsaw didn't want to start. Had to empty out the peteroil and replace with fresh, even though it's 2-stroke. that made it go.
Then towards the end it didn't want to rev up for some weird reason.
May have been a tad short on chain oil or summat.
Anyway, shoved cut logs inside and came in.
Tis W's burpday so we are taking it easy!
But her tum has been playing up so I will have to postpone tonight's dins out.😒
Have a nice day peeps!":):):)
I've known that the michelin man was called Bibendum since I was a lickle kid and Dad used to take our family camping in France. Lots of Renault 4 vans used by garages and tyre peeps had a model of him just above the middle of the windscreen and you could buy keyrings wiv im on an everthing.
Wish I'd got one, I used to collect keyrings as a kid.
The meaning varies depending where you look...
"Corpulent or windy" in one language,
but "drunk" in another!!
I've got two little Bibendums in my Discovery - one bought in Wales and one bought in France, both are the stands for air fresheners. The French one is a bit bigger than the Welsh one. It is surprising how many people have asked about where I got them from. :)
Sensor changed. Back on test now. Bin ok fer 15 minutes. Just cooked 2 crumpits. They were frozen so seperated em carefully wiv a knife so eye dint cut meself. One jumped on the floor. It were frozen so yer can wash it under the tap. Gorra blood test early morra morning. Fink its fasting fer 12 hours before. Gorra casserole in me slow cooker. Carruts, sprouts, brokerly and unyun. No sossij this time.

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