Afternoon folks :).

Just come in for a cuppa, nice outside:). So I have mangled some grass this morning, It was a bit long and wet but managed, now got a small trailer full of cuttings, will take that onto the common for the horses to eat thats my excuse for dumping it somewhere else;).
Drilled some holes in me wood prior to fixing, used 2 batteries so they are on charge, so started stacking some wood.
So been pretty busy for a monday morning. Off out to stack some more wood in abit.

haha brill Check you out iirc I told you his name 🤣 🤣
I've known that the michelin man was called Bibendum since I was a lickle kid and Dad used to take our family camping in France. Lots of Renault 4 vans used by garages and tyre peeps had a model of him just above the middle of the windscreen and you could buy keyrings wiv im on an everthing.
Wish I'd got one, I used to collect keyrings as a kid.
The meaning varies depending where you look...
"Corpulent or windy" in one language,
but "drunk" in another!!

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