Morning all blowing a hula here trees are a bending all battend down day for supplies shopping if are road is not blocked and we can get down.Have a good one.☔☔☔
Blowing a hula?

I wouldn't mind that!!!

But a houlie, not so funny!! ;) 🤣 🤣 🤣
...somebody help me! I am spending money like its going out of fashion. :)
A 2TByte M2 drive and 2 x 6TByte hard drives ordered for the new rig. 10 year old drives to be refreshed replaced.

Time-poor & cash-rich is the phrase I think. LOL :D
I'll help you...
Send me all your dosh and I'll put it carefully away in a new account where you can only get it in dribs and drabs.
Account number 36598720
Sort code 45-67-12
Address First Bank of Nigeria, Lagos.
In name of Mr S. Tanleysteamer

Then just tell me when you want a bit and how much!!
Still morning aint it mixed weather in scotchy land feckn ice maker was all frozen up fink it was cause
the freezer is over packed n the door wasnt sealed properly, no need to over pack it ffs its bursting &
we hardly eat frozen food so why keep it. :rolleyes: Ok moan over im off oot to tinker. :vb-banana:
Fitting new bog.
Cut the waste pipe down where it comes up through the concrete, no problem
Found one of the mounting holes in the floor lines up with one of the mounting holes in the new bog, Result!!
Trying to drill the tile for the other hole. My tile drill bit is making achingly slow progress, must be bliddy blunt. Grrrr!
And sharpening it up on an oilstone don't seem to be straightforward.
Fink I'll have a go at sharpening it anyway and if that don't work go to slow drilling with masonry bits, which should apparently work, 'cording to tinternet.
See yez!;)
Fitting centrifugal clutch to Briggs engine, key and keyway needs trimming and need bolt for flywheel. must have one somewhere ?
Going to blank bottom of floatbowl with milliput where solenoid screwed in
Need to male up throttle and choke linkages but get it running first see how it goes
Just found out briggs and stratton went bust
Still morning aint it mixed weather in scotchy land feckn ice maker was all frozen up fink it was cause
the freezer is over packed n the door wasnt sealed properly, no need to over pack it ffs its bursting &
we hardly eat frozen food so why keep it. :rolleyes: Ok moan over im off oot to tinker. :vb-banana:
Done that with the fridge the door always shut its self but I re-levelled it so W keeps moaning You left the fridge Open 😢😢

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