Thought frog land was nice n sunny
It can be, but where we organised the hen run it's muddy!

Weather for the next 12 days just up the moutain from us.


and like this down the mountain. We is up in the clouds lots of time.
Shame really as we came over here at a time when the weather could be trusted.
"Thanks, global warming!"
Doesn't look like rural France is doing any better than us in the UK for weather at the moment @Stanleysteamer . Those aren't exactly generous temperatures for the time of year. I thought you'd be able to sit in the sun on your terrace with a little table with a red and white check cloth with a bottle of wine on it.
Doesn't look like rural France is doing any better than us in the UK for weather at the moment @Stanleysteamer . Those aren't exactly generous temperatures for the time of year. I thought you'd be able to sit in the sun on your terrace with a little table with a red and white check cloth with a bottle of wine on it.
Well I was running around with shorts on last week, or was it the week before? And yes, the odd apéro on the terrace ;) but weather here, particularly at 600 metres is unpredicatable at the mo. But when the coronation was on and you lot had the drizzles, we were watching it with sun outside.
There is a saying here which more or less corresponds with "Ne'er cast a clout afore May is out."
Red and white check cloth?
If you look at this, (I Googled "typical French tablecloths")
We actually have the lefthand one on the table right now! and version of many of the others!

But yes if you click on the right hand arrow you do eventually get to a red and white check one!!
Back to the flipping plumbing!
I'd forgotten what fun it is playing with Plumber's Mait :) and PTFE tape :(.
(This is what happens when you go to a plumbing, and other stuff, supplier with a load of pipe and connectors and say "I want to go from this....... to this with an isolating valve in the middle.")
The first one worked on the first bog.
The second one leaked to the point I though it was the wretched valve. Yet the pipe run was made up of just the same fittings.:rolleyes: Grrr!

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