
That's deep(ly) Dippy.
Is all completely fantastical when you stop and think about it.
'like galaxies colliding', I like that bit specially :)
Reporting in...
Consultant seen, stabbed with pointy things that I couldn't really feel.
As expected, "inconclusive" bits are as expected, other bits aren't, so we need an MRI.
Once that's been done and mulled over it may have the answer or it may be a handover to a neurologist.
Fun. :D
They normally switch them oft if wind is too high or too low. They dunt like to wear them oot if they would be running ootside the preferred efficiency.
Well according to GM, there were two problems, one was that the cables used couldn't physically take the higher powere being generated and secondly there was no way of storing the power gained.
He then went to a pair of reservoirs that used the Swiss system of using excess power generated to pump water back up from a lower one to a higher one, thus saving the power in the upper one.
He also demonstrated the automatic blade angling devices that gained the most efficiency from whatever wind there was, and, which suprised me, showed how the ones being made now can be recycled, to a certain extent.
now this is TV so of course there could be a lot of BS in it.........
Reporting in...
Consultant seen, stabbed with pointy things that I couldn't really feel.
As expected, "inconclusive" bits are as expected, other bits aren't, so we need an MRI.
Once that's been done and mulled over it may have the answer or it may be a handover to a neurologist.
Fun. :D
At least he didn't say, "There's nothing further we can do.";)
Well according to GM, there were two problems, one was that the cables used couldn't physically take the higher powere being generated and secondly there was no way of storing the power gained.
He then went to a pair of reservoirs that used the Swiss system of using excess power generated to pump water back up from a lower one to a higher one, thus saving the power in the upper one.
He also demonstrated the automatic blade angling devices that gained the most efficiency from whatever wind there was, and, which suprised me, showed how the ones being made now can be recycled, to a certain extent.
now this is TV so of course there could be a lot of BS in it.........
Its true they're limited by cable size. Same way yer house supplly is limited. Different windmills have different features. But high speed puts more stress on the gearbox. They monitor all sorts if stuff via telemetry. Oil temp. Bearing temp and stress. Winding temp. Theory being to only use it in the most efficient conditions so it dunt wear oot too fast. They want to ensure they generate money over its lifetime of fare wear. I like gm so i have found it and downloaded it to watch.
They was talking ont radio about tomatoes not being available. Eye was right. Looks like we will see the ocasional blips in supply. Un there was me finking we would get cheaperer food and more ovvit after br*xit, cus thats wot we was teld. :eek:
The food probably is cheaper but the price of heating and lighting in the shops is more expensive putting prices up, at least the energy companies are feeling the pinch and aren't making record profits, poor old centrica only made £3.3 billion
Morning all, I have had to take the week off yet still I am awake :) have a great day!
Is this anything to do with you getting heated at work earlier?
I hope you get over whatever it is.
When I got suspended at work, or took myself off due to disciplinary or grievance issues, it was always for a month, so I got a lot of DIY done.;):D:D
But I expect you mean health issue, so I hope whatever it is gets better soon.:):):)
Its true they're limited by cable size. Same way yer house supplly is limited. Different windmills have different features. But high speed puts more stress on the gearbox. They monitor all sorts if stuff via telemetry. Oil temp. Bearing temp and stress. Winding temp. Theory being to only use it in the most efficient conditions so it dunt wear oot too fast. They want to ensure they generate money over its lifetime of fare wear. I like gm so i have found it and downloaded it to watch.
What you say makes perfect sense and according to the French guys I have spoken to who work for EDF or their contractors, this is exactly the situation. (You will appreciate there are a ton of windfarms in the Tarn. We can see bits of 6 of them from our land. and hear them when the wind blows from due south. Fortunately only in the house and only so quietly that W can't hear them!)
They are said to be as reliable as any other form of electricity generation, but it costs 5 times as much to repair the ones at sea for obvious reasons.
I was also proud to find out that so much of this stuff is going on in Hull, my birthplace.;)
You'll enjoy the prog it was interesting and of course GM had to do so much training and stuff to be allowed to go anywhere near them! He is a fun character!:):)

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