Yer can tell me. Eye wont tell her.

I managed to drop the little plastic seal from the screw cap of me Millers additive in the fool tank. Every now and then it would get sucked onto the tube out of the tank and starve the engine, usually in the most awkward of situations. Took me ages to work out what it was, even fitted a new fool pump. More fool me :)
Trying to buy an oil filter at local motor factor (GT)
Reg no wont go in computer
Given them part number of last filter I got
Still cant help cause reg no wont go in ffs
What happened to the man in a brown coat with a pencil behind his ear whho knew everything ?
I'll never forget trying to get a clutch part for a vauxhall years ago. Knew the reg and the vin, the best they could say was, could be part A or part B, you won't know until you take the old one off to compare

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