Well I remember Ted Heath's lies too!

"Cut Prices At A Stroke" and "No Essential Loss Of Sovereignty" - We also fell for that and joined the EEC, which morphed into the evil Empire Eurostate where Germany wins a 4th Reich through economic means rather than war. :D
Peeps will believe anyfink if it matches wot they want to fink. There's no euro state. If there was it would have been done by now.
The food probably is cheaper but the price of heating and lighting in the shops is more expensive putting prices up, at least the energy companies are feeling the pinch and aren't making record profits, poor old centrica only made £3.3 billion
The initial price increase in the uk is down to supply. We eat more than we make. Import costs increased after br*xit so food costs would go up anorl. Ukraine, labour and power have increased the price further. Some profiteering anorl perhaps. But there's only one country that has shut it's boarders and made itself more difficult to deal wiv. That's us. The eggsample on the radio was Spanish tomatoe sellers. They have found new easier markets to deal with. They have enuff trade so dun't need to supply to us like before. It's a shame as eye has just moved from cucumber to tomatoe in me sandwidges fer wuk.
I jus fink batts are a dead end. My outfit are running hybrids that'll barely take you shopping let alone get anywhere.. Everybody wants one because of the tax breaks and don't give a damn about the truly atrocious mpg coz the company pays for it.
Is a crock, greenwashing bloated SUV an the like. Long live ancient diesel. I can run me Tratter until the end of time an still have a smaller eco footprint than a Tesla.
Rant done. Peace pips :)
Watched back a thing on dinosaurs this a.m. Not my thing really but W likes em. Never knew that in the cretaceous period.:)cool::eek::rolleyes:) the urf's temp was 10 degs hotter than what it is now.
So the planet could survive like that, if only we left the jungles and other green bits alone instead of chopping them down to make deserts like the Sahara and what is happening in Brazil. What is Portugese for "Another Sahara? You dipsticks!" :mad::mad::mad:
Well I remember Ted Heath's lies too!

"Cut Prices At A Stroke" and "No Essential Loss Of Sovereignty" - We also fell for that and joined the EEC, which morphed into the evil Empire Eurostate where Germany wins a 4th Reich through economic means rather than war. :D

The EEC worked fine and gave us what was promised - greater choice of foods, longer seasons, higher quality etc., the trouble came when we were signed into accepting the present EU - I can't remember who it was who did this but that really was the huge con which should not have happened. None of us were given any information about what the EU was going to do for us we were just signed up as a fait au complis. :( As a trade arrangement it was good.
Another mistake made by the Gov. of the day was using the £ as the benchmark conversion rate to the Euro. This caused instant inflation which could have been avoided/reduced if the 50p had been used.
Afternoon folks:).

Been absent last few days. Nothing to report really;). Things are warming up which is great, M went to the shop and said she saw a cherry tree out in beginnings of blossom:eek:.
No sticks burning tonight again:).

Hope that apart from teefs, backs, doing too much, and just plain getting old everybody is fine:D.


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