77 sovs plus court costs will I think add up to an nundred sovs so you could, just, take em to small claims track.
But you're right, following the law you have to in writing give them a chance to repair or replace, which I think they get one chance at. After the first 2 years it gets trickier I think.
The new "Consumer Rights law" is cr@ppier than the old Sale of Goods Act which did cover you for up to 6 years and no messing. B*****ds (law makers) changed the law in favour of the retailer, and away from the consumer. Although it is marginally quicker.
You may get an adjudicator on the phone as I did with B and Q. (He was working from home with a screaming baby in the background.) I got a new basin and pillar out of it.
Just putting this up in case anyone fancies a look.
I thought the new rools were betterer. Yer get 6 years still but yer have to prove the fault was there since manufacture. Which is what eye would need to do. So not easy. Will have a bash at emailing them. Was finking of cc'ing me wuks email as we trade a lot with them.
Why does it say chuck it int sea?

se@ err.....
Afternoon folks:).

Had to do an emergency rations run to the shop today, beer and fags;) oh I did pickup some bread too:D.
But it would be rude not to take the fender wouldn’t it:). It didn’t like to spin over fast enough to start, booster out for that extra and it went straight away:).
So off we toddled roads have had the plough go through which surprised me as it was only about 4” where we were, so roads clear.
So on the way back I took the “long cut” through the woods:D, bit protected so not much snow but hey, fun none the less:).


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I thought the new rools were betterer. Yer get 6 years still but yer have to prove the fault was there since manufacture. Which is what eye would need to do. So not easy. Will have a bash at emailing them. Was finking of cc'ing me wuks email as we trade a lot with them.
TBH, if you have the receipt and simply state that youd have had it since new, not lent it out, not bruked it, they more or less accept that you are telling the truth. This has always been the case.
I think it is hard to prove that you deliberately damaged it . When W's iPad went off we got the Apple shop to look at it and put in writing that the fault was a manufacturing fault, and that it hadn't been damaged. even though it was about 4 years old.
It being hers, not mine, she wouldn't push it and get her money back or a free one.:rolleyes: she couldn't bear being without it for the time it would take:rolleyes:(She drove me round the bend over this!)
I know we have had words about this, especially in the case of the oak chest, but I have been forced many times in the past to use this system to get money back off retailers who have sold me non working tat and I have won every case.
(I am not boasting here, just trying to give you the confidence to do it.)
They will of course stonewall, that is what they are trained to do.
And it can take a little time, it once took a shop 6 months to get a faulty stereo repaired and back to us.
And I once had to send the bailiffs in, to Carphone Warehouse, for heavens sake.
But I never had to work hard to prove to a court the truth of what I was saying.
So good luck. I'm completely with you on this.:):):)

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