Anyone know what made the Epsom School headmistress's family deaded?
Carn't find it anywhere on news fings.
Just says "found in grounds lying next to one anuvver.".
Bit sad I think.:(:(:(:(
Gonna have dins soon as we is off early tomoz to Lunnen, Wondswuff, to get visa process going.:(:(:(:(
Enjoy the rest of the day!:):):)
Evening folks:).

Well the forecast was wrong;) we didn't get the other 4inches;) So I would like to say I am disappointed, but I am not:).
But its still cold as some of those monkeys:).

We are just pretending its a holibobs, Just sitting around doing nothing, its great:D.
I have been doing lots of tinternet (car based before you lot with the gutter minds come forth). Have found a forum where they do some fantastic work on cars, I find it amazing that they dont seem to worry its brakes, steering or suspension and just chop it apart then end up with a driving MOT'ed car:eek:. But they do, and some of the work is fascinating, oh what gems are out there when you have time to do nothing.
As an example an 80yr old building a really light Lotus Elan making most of it out of carbon fiber:eek: and talk about weighing everything to the gram:).
dont know if he finished it as the fred came to an end:(.

Theres hope for me yet, I hope:rolleyes:.

W records so much telly.
We are now watching the Repair Shop where they made such a botch-up of a doll. One of a few where they got in touch with our friend who runs a Doll Workshop. She was disgusted!!!
They didn't ask her the right questions, but they did buy bits from her, eyes mostly I think.
Have to say I think they mostly get it dead right.;)
There have been some phenomenal sunrises and sunsets across the country over the last few days. A friend was lucky enough to be at the Royal Burgh of Culross, Fife yesterday morning as one unfolded ...



Fines just become a "cost of doing business" and are no deterrent at all. Jailtime for the board members is the only way to stop it. The philosophy of Agent and Principal should apply.
Problem wiv that is it won't go into law. Yer can't punish the top brass fer a yoof lower down nypassing the rules. They put rules and methods ov doing business in place. Check it works wiv inspections. But that won't stop someone doing their own fing ocasionally. Tis the person that does wrong that shud be punished. Iffits corporate nasty fings from the top, then top brass is punished.

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