Problem wiv that is it won't go into law. Yer can't punish the top brass fer a yoof lower down nypassing the rules. They put rules and methods ov doing business in place. Check it works wiv inspections. But that won't stop someone doing their own fing ocasionally. Tis the person that does wrong that shud be punished. Iffits corporate nasty fings from the top, then top brass is punished.
I agree up to a point, but when the top-brass turn a blind eye to malpractice and are quite happy to enjoy the profits when they don't get caught then their "self-policing" is a sham.
... I went to the bank to transfer out £10k so I can invest it in various places. They checked my license but asked no questions as to what it is for.
Quite annoyed as I was going to say for 'naughty things' but I was denied!!
When I do online transfers I put funny comments in there.
poles & strippers(B&Q)
Any hole is a goal(football boots)
I would like to be felt(roofing material)

and yep the sometimes the bank moans
Me clamp meter eye bort is broked. Bort from cpc farnell 2 years ago. All characters on the screen lite up and stay on, when first powered. Used once when eye first gorrit. Next time it was used was 14 months later and its duff. 12 month warranty. Foned them today to ask ferra repair. Said consumer rights act ses yer can gerra repair up to 6 years iffits a defect from when first bort. Which eye fink it is. Chap noravvin it. Said eye will email them. Not wurf fighting them wiv a claim. Cost 77 sovs. Power inside is ok. Crystal ticking ok. Components and build quality look ok.
Me clamp meter eye bort is broked. Bort from cpc farnell 2 years ago. All characters on the screen lite up and stay on, when first powered. Used once when eye first gorrit. Next time it was used was 14 months later and its duff. 12 month warranty. Foned them today to ask ferra repair. Said consumer rights act ses yer can gerra repair up to 6 years iffits a defect from when first bort. Which eye fink it is. Chap noravvin it. Said eye will email them. Not wurf fighting them wiv a claim. Cost 77 sovs. Power inside is ok. Crystal ticking ok. Components and build quality look ok.
It must be worth an email or two just to get them going?
Me clamp meter eye bort is broked. Bort from cpc farnell 2 years ago. All characters on the screen lite up and stay on, when first powered. Used once when eye first gorrit. Next time it was used was 14 months later and its duff. 12 month warranty. Foned them today to ask ferra repair. Said consumer rights act ses yer can gerra repair up to 6 years iffits a defect from when first bort. Which eye fink it is. Chap noravvin it. Said eye will email them. Not wurf fighting them wiv a claim. Cost 77 sovs. Power inside is ok. Crystal ticking ok. Components and build quality look ok.
77 sovs plus court costs will I think add up to an nundred sovs so you could, just, take em to small claims track.
But you're right, following the law you have to in writing give them a chance to repair or replace, which I think they get one chance at. After the first 2 years it gets trickier I think.
The new "Consumer Rights law" is cr@ppier than the old Sale of Goods Act which did cover you for up to 6 years and no messing. B*****ds (law makers) changed the law in favour of the retailer, and away from the consumer. Although it is marginally quicker.
You may get an adjudicator on the phone as I did with B and Q. (He was working from home with a screaming baby in the background.) I got a new basin and pillar out of it.
Just putting this up in case anyone fancies a look.
There have been some phenomenal sunrises and sunsets across the country over the last few days. A friend was lucky enough to be at the Royal Burgh of Culross, Fife yesterday morning as one unfolded ...




outst@nding :cool:
Looking tragic on Epsom head situation :(
Hi Turkytowner!
Only just logged on as have been up that there Lunnen with the Visa peeps.
So haven't checked the news to see if there is more.
But it is certainly a tragedy no matter how it came about.
Doubtless it'll all come out later on. Trouble is it reminds me of all my colleagues with husbands and kids especially the ones with girls which for some reason seems to be a lot of them.:(:(:(
Traffic jams and freezing fog on the way up to Lunnen. Got a bit anxious re timing but got there in plenty of time.
To do them justice, they did whisk us through pretty quick and took W's wheelchair into account. Waiting areas were pretty chocker.
They'd changed the rools yet again so we still had to go throught the biometrics that we had been told we wouldn't have to do again for three years. :rolleyes::mad:
The burd was very pleasant and we had a nice little chat in French. She had come from the Ivory Coast straight to the UK never been to France although she went through the French education system as the IC is a French DOM-TOM.
And she did confirm that the Frogs are making it more difficult for those like us trying to stay longer over there. ********ds!
Can't see the point. When we are over there we spend money.:mad::mad::mad:. what else do they want?:rolleyes:
Still, done now, stress over.
Anyway, came back via A3 instead of M3. Much faster and less hassle.
Worse thing was crawling along through all the flipping 20mph zones. Avoided most of them on the way back.
We'll go that way when we return in the next couple of weeks to pick the passports back up.
Have a nice rest of the day folks!:):):):)

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